Testimony of 3 dreams I recieved from God. For your info,I rarely - TopicsExpress


Testimony of 3 dreams I recieved from God. For your info,I rarely dream and these dreams were revealed to me and I did not ask for them regarding the first and third dream.The second dream was an answer to my asking God for an advice. One night in 2006,I had a dream,I found myself standing inside a room,directly in front of me was a beautiful lady dressed in a long sleeve white gown down to the floor with the front in blue and with a white shawl over her head. She was smiling at me and I was puzzled,wondering who this lady is and me thinking where I had met her before. She then gestured with her left hand and directing me to go left. After the second time,I looked left and noticed an open doorway with a bright light shining out of it onto the floor. Curious, I walked to the doorway and looked to see what was inside. As I stepped into the room I was enveloped by an intense white light,wanting to know where the light came from, I tried peering through the light, but I could not see beyond the light, all I could see was a pure white light although it was not glaring. I then woke up and realized what a strange dream when suddenly it hit me that it was God himself behind the light. Wow,I was overwhelmed by a feeling of elation. note: at that time i was not a born again believer and i didnt know God can appear as light and so does the devil as an angel of light.This I learn only later after reading my bible. Second dream. After my 1st dream about God,I joined a small group of 20 to 25 believers with a charismatic elder from a Methodist Church for bible study and praise and worship session. At the start of every session,the elder would make an opening prayer and addressed prayers to God the Father,to Jesus Christ and lastly to thank the Holy Spirit. This was a brand new experience to me. Now I searched the scriptures to find any teachings about praying to the Holy Spirit. I couldnt find any teachings about it and this made me anxious to know if its proper to pray to the Holy Spirit although its only to thank him. So I prayed to God to guide me and show me whether its proper or not. That night 4 words flashed through my mind just before I woke up, it was not a voice,but like a spoken line PRAY TO JESUS CHRIST. Next I woke up and it was again already daybreak.Wow! God answered my prayer so fast.I then thank God for his advice. 3rd dream. I used to do light walking and jogging around my neighbourhood. One night,I had this dream of me walking towards home as I had finished my jogging.Suddenly I noticed a plume of smoke rising up in the sky,looking at the smoke,it was in the direction of my house.So I quicken my steps anxious to see what was burning. As I got nearer to my home I saw that the fire was from my house and it was a big fire with flames shooting up into the sky. So I ran and as I reached my house, I saw there was no smoke and only a big fire. Then I noticed that the fire was actually many tongues of fire joined together into a big fire,looking at the fire,it was only tongues of fire surrounding my house and my house itself was not burning. I then woke up and realised that it was only a dream and what an awesome dream of the Holy Spirit tongues of fire as in the day of Pentecost. Till today I never have these kind of dreams again.That last dream was in late 2007.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:24:53 +0000

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