Testimony time!!! ( Complete edition) Afternoon praying - TopicsExpress


Testimony time!!! ( Complete edition) Afternoon praying wives,what a beautiful day to celebrate the Lord,I dont know how to begin writing these words of encouragement and testimony,because God has done a lot for me,and am excited,am sorry my post is long,but I couldnt find a short cut to my story,but I have decided to pick just one aspect that most of us over look,I would like to ask all of you wives,where are you connected? who are you connected to? Ive had 5 serious relationships in my life which left me heart broken,rejected and disappointed. but I didnt know why this was so,because everything would be okay and suddenly everything would go right in the drain,by then I used to go to a non pentacostal church,which I used to attend from the time I was born,I also had shoulder aches,back aches,tummy aches,etc,I didnt know what was going on,so I decided to go for prayers and asked one of my closest friends if you knew someone who conducted deliverance prayers,she said she knew someone from our church,she later introduced me to him and he started conducting deliverance on me,after some months I started having spiritual husband attacks,I was scared to close my eyes,if I did even during the day I would be severely attacked,I would wake up with the effects, and so on,my tummy would ache,at that point,I started praying seriously,then another friend of mine who is a pentacostal goer,and after explaining to her what was happening to me decided to introduce me to her pastor,this Pastor prayed for me,and he prayed for my eyes to be open,from there I would dream about being at church with my choir members,our uniform which was black and white,then I would dream of men surrounding me,trying to attack my eyes,but the Pastor would tell me to continue praying,and he would anoint my eyes again,he would tell me that,it is important that my eyes stay open because God would show me himself what is going on and where the attacks are coming from and how he is saving me,I kept dreaming about men in black suits surrounding me,at one point they appeared not fully human,some were half snake half human,half corocodile half human etc ,men from this church wear black suits and ladies black and white,I wont mention the name of the church because then most people would know it,it has a wide coverage in my country,then the Pastor knew what was going on,but he didnt want to tell me,because he wanted me to make a personal choice,so one night I dreamt I was caressing a black white ringed snake,to cut this long story short,people from my church who I thought were Christians,years back surrounded me one,my friend bowed down and put a ring on my finger,and they tied a black snake in my waste,in short I was spiritually married to a snake,hence the back and spine aches,which could never be explained medically,I used to have sharp pains in my vagina at time and in my abdomen as well,I would wake up tired and in pain everyday,because my eyes were open I started seeing the snake live,feared cripped in,this pastor prayed for me all the body pains stopped,and we decided to decree death on the snake,that is how I stopped seeing it,ministers from my former church started attacking my life long ago before being introduced to the priest for prayers at my church,the introduction of the priest was just an icing on a Cake,at some point after being delivered,another prophet I met at this pastors church just looked at me and told me everything I was dreaming about,he said God is very clear in what he is showing you,he said stop following the snake,if you continue it will kill,cause right now you have been delivered,I didnt know how I was following the snake then but it was by going to my former church,until members from my former church started attacking my pastor and I physically and spiritually,my family was even drawn in the feud,they claimed I was theirs(the church),my family advised me against going to see pastors,then one of my aunts,just told me why she stopped going to church,she said I stopped going to that church because of witchcraft,then from there I said so I am not the only one in the family who knows what goes in that church,my sisters I made a choice to leave and never go back to that church, so many things happened that I cannot write here,when I left even the attacks stopped,this week after trying to connect me back to them but to know avail,they wanted to use someone physically to connect me to them,they called me through the phone and said they wanted me to help someone out,I didnt refuse,but I prayed seriously in Tongues,and I declared holy ghost fire against them,I said let them come,they didnt show up that day and that night God showed me what they were trying to do,this happened on Monday,and no one has called me since Monday. So many of us suffer in vain not knowing what is happening to us, I want you to get a few points from my story, firstly dont rely on men of God but on God himself,it is not a man or woman of God who delivers.heals etc it is the God himself through his spirit,be connected to Jesus yourself and Jesus will fight for you,I was very prayerful before I met my pastor,a serious choir member who rarely missed practice at my church,they even knew me,I was looking for God then,hence God taking me out of the hands of fake priests etc,Be connected to Jesus today,Philipians 2:1, secondly before going to see any man or woman of God spend some days in prayer for God to connect you to the right man or woman of God,after leaving my former church,I went to prayer conferences where I would met good prophets and prophetess,people would be amazed at what they would do,but my spirit wouldnt agree with them,and I have learnt that if your spirit is not at peace,run for your life,your relationship with a man or woman of God should bring you closer to God,later on help you develop skill that can help you fight for your life even when those people of God are not around,you are not supposed to be glued to them but be glued to God.Philemon 6. thirdly Love God will all your heart,read the Book of 1st John to understand further,when Christ is in you nothing will be impossible,you have the confidence to speak to every situation and more. Ephesians 3:12. So ask God today to disconnect you from anything that is not his,ask the Lord Jesus to connect you yo him and ask him to remove everything that might disturb your relationship with him,ask God to do everything possible to make you his. 1 Corinthians 1:9 and 2 Corinthians 13:14. To be truthful almost everyone around you knows who they connected yourself to Jesus today and pray seriously. She told me why she stopped going to church,she said because of witchcraft,then i got convinced to leave that church and never went back,after months without talking to priests from my former church,the same priest who pretended to be conducting deliverance on me,called to ask why i was upset with him,he even tried to send someone to come and see me just so he could initiate me again,but the Lord had already revealed,i was polite but as soon as i got off the phone i prayed in tongues,the man never showed up,upto now ive never received a call from him. I want you to 4 things,1,you have to love Christ with all your heart,then he will come through for u,before seeing the pastor for deliverance,i was prayerful,i was a regular church goer,and very involved in the choir,i thought i was looking for God,but God had already found me and he wanted to save my soul by all means,read the whole book of 1st John to understand,2 be Connected to Christ,so many people suffer in vain because they are connected to wrong churches,fake pastors,priests etc,Christ wants you to go straight to him when u have a problem,ask him to cut off any connection to your life that is not his,Philippians 2:1,3,be in the right church and right environment,u can only receive your blessing when you are in the right place at the right time,for years my former church spoke strongly against conducting deliverance,healing,etc session,u cant question the leadership or youl b ex-communicated for the church,i had never seen a real donation to the poor etc,all these were signs but i stayed because i had been going there since i was born,what u must realise is that when u have wrong people in the ministry it also blocks the congregation to receive blessings from God,e.g the Israelites suffered because of Saul,ask God to guide u to a right church,Philemon 6. 4,before going to see any man or woman of God pray for Gods guidance,or u might connected to powers of darkness.1cor 1:9,2cor 13:14,Eph3:8-11. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:22:33 +0000

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