Text 2: The Purpose of Life A lot of people asked themselves or - TopicsExpress


Text 2: The Purpose of Life A lot of people asked themselves or others, what the purpose of life is. And there is not always agreement between various individuals. For example, some may think that the purpose of life is to achieve sth., such as a good college degree, others may prioritize a career as a superstar, a good manager, a good mother and so on. Some do not know. Others say that the life should be enjoyed very much, like do whatever makes you happy. As long as you do not deviate from the applicable laws of your country, including social laws or moral laws, you should be fine, according to them. But can you do everything that you would like to do, as long as you stick to the above mentioned laws and legislations? And is that it? Is life really the way one gets to know, i.e. one is born, lives a certain period of time and then passes away? We are born, we live and then pass away. And there is nothing more to it. A cycle that just repeats itself, nothing special, nothing different, that would, for example, break this cycle. Imagine that this continues, like forever. How will we be in the future? Where did we humans come from? It must have a start. The extent of differences between chimpanzees and humans is much higher than the similarities. Besides, do you really think that organs and limbs can change (we know that they can change, in that they grow, but change is meant in terms of its nature, function, shape) and change to such a high extent? Third, it is not only the physical aspect which plays a role. Habits and mentality also must been changed enormously. This is a complex issue and I do not want to go into depth. Take the points I mentioned and more; you will hopefully agree with me that we cannot be evolved this way. Let us consider a much more logical and sound way of the human evolution. Allah (Subhanahu wa taala) says in chapter 3 (Ali-Imran) of the holy Quran, verse 59, that He created Adam (alayhi salam) from dust. For example, in chapter 7 (Al-Araf), verse 27, God says that we are children of Adam (alayhi salam). So Adam (alayhi salam) was the first human being, and also the first prophet. For him a wife was created (See the noble Quran for reference). After Adam (alayhi salam) and Eves children, the next human beings were created as contained in chapter 7, verse 172 of the holy Quran. And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], Am I not your Lord? They said, Yes, we have testified. [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, Indeed, we were of this unaware. [After Allah had created the next human beings from the loins of Adam’s children, God, maybe, positioned them at different locations from which then tribes and populations grew. But this is only an assumption from a brother. We do not know how the humans who were immediately created after Adam (alayhi salam) and his family, were distributed, at least I do not know. And assumptions/guesses are dangerous and forbidden in the context of Islam. This is meaning that we are not allowed to talk about something what we do not know. It is important to have references, either to the holy Qur’an or to the Sunnah. There is a lot that we do not know. God himself says that we are given little knowledge (the holy Quran, 17:85).] With regard to the purpose of life, it is very easy to identify it. People do not need to think very long about it. We do not need to search for it. It is given to us. From the very beginning, with Adam (alayhi salam), human beings are created to worship Allah (Subhanahu wa taala), the Most High. This is contained in chapter 51 (Adh-Dhariyat), verse 56 of the noble Quran.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:21:01 +0000

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