Text by Wild Backpacker - Helium N. Camargo Founder and - TopicsExpress


Text by Wild Backpacker - Helium N. Camargo Founder and Director of the Chapada UFO - UFO Center in Chapada Diamantina UFO Manifesto - The importance to the world of UFOlogy In recent times, a larger amount of people has been interesting for Ufology. This happens not only because the latest discoveries and advances in science, but also because of human consciousness is expanding. However, it is worth remembering that the UFO is still considered a taboo. Despite the space that Ufology is acquiring its importance and influence in the evolution of mankind often goes unnoticed. Ufology is crucial for the emancipation of society as a whole. No government, political party, social movement, or any other event has so much impact on society as ufology today. Virtually all governments around the world are aware of the existence of life outside earth. However, they omit the existence of extraterrestrial life of the population. They are used for a severe international privacy policy when addressing the subject. They omit not only the extraterrestrial reality, but also other information that is important to the development of human civilization. Some technologies discoveries around the world, are stored for years in the laboratories. Only after some time, they are released into the population use. We can cite as an example of these technologies is the case of the free energy. Since decades ago, Free Energy is already the real thing. She can be generated continuously at a very low or no cost. However, this technology is omitted from the population. Its appearance could shake directly with the economic and financial system of the world today. The world economy is based on oil. If another power arose and replace the oil in overnight, the economy would collapse never seen before. The knowledge of extraterrestrial life by the population, is the only thing that effectively could cause a revolution worldwide. It would transform the patterns and human values, the long delay humanity. The foundation that keeps society such as, governments, religions and science would all go down the drain. Currently science says that we are alone in the universe and it is unaware of intelligent life outside of earth. Science omit the reality on the topic, therefore we think we are sovereign beings in the universe. However, when well have knowledge of extraterrestrial life, that thought will no longer have consistency or foundation. The human ego would certainly be strongly shaken to know that there are other more advanced civilizations around the universe. They can either help us or break us as a subject, as we do with animals. How would I know that the human species to other civilizations in the universe, yet we are seen as the inferior beings, as we consider ourselves monkeys? We are constantly monitored and manipulated. Those who approach the extraterrestrial issue seriously, are harassed and ridiculed. The Ufologists that are considered serious by the scientific society, those who are always after studying one occurrence UFO claim: - It does not prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. Some scientists do not have at least humble enough to say that they can not explain the phenomenon. Prefer to make up any lame and pointless explanation for the mystery not be hovering in the air. Extraterrestrial life is an issue that bothers a long time and has been discarded by the scientific community. On the other hand, scientists who somehow support this thesis are always called crazy, opportunistic or even quacks. Because of this, most scientists do not delve into extraterrestrial theme. They do not wish to have their careers ruined. Despite all the obstacles that are faced by those who are seeking the truth. Constantly come to our knowledge, revealing UFO information from former military and civilians of various areas of society. They are people who worked in industries that dealt directly with extraterrestrial life or who were somehow involved with the issue. There are numerous cases around the world, but even then many still prefer to ignore these people. They act as if they are misleading or even crazy. People ignore this issue, they have no knowledge of how it is relevant in our lives. Governments do not want to emancipate humanity. They want to enslave us and keep us in the chaos in which we live. Therefore, they have no interest in that Ufology is seriously addressed. They know the risk that the discovery of life beyond Earth, provides the foundations of society. However, they need not make much effort to prevent this from happening. Most people are afraid, lost the ability or not to accept what is new. Are comforted with the way they live and no longer care to know what seems to be out of their reach. Many who begin to become interested in Ufology, question whether aliens are good or bad. However, it should be noted that when we discuss extraterrestrial life, we are not referring to only one race. Around the world there are numerous types or races of extraterrestrial life. The extraterrestrial races that have a high spiritual and moral level, not appearing in large metropolises. They make contact with the few on earth, they are preparing mankind for the final touch. Humans need to achieve a higher level of evolution that contact. The aliens know that their coming would cause chaos ever seen. This is not their intent, they know that the earth goes through changes and are helping mankind to take this evolutionary leap. However, they do so very cautiously. Several times they tried to communicate with our leaders, but were threatened by the military. Countless times fighters and military planes were sent to intercept the UFOs that were seen or detected by radar in the airspace. Most often, the military can not achieve their goals. Given the technology of the planes land, not come close to developed by aliens. Many extraterrestrial races are evolving from thousands of years ago, they can easily destroy our fighters. The aliens who have technology to reach land, are far ahead of us in technology issues and some other. When we go somewhere and we are not welcome, the trend is no more returning to this site. Thats what happens with benevolent aliens here on Earth. Many of them live in the land clandestinely and monitor our actions. There are even intelligence agencies around the world, seeking those aliens. When a human being is caught in another country without a visa or passport, he runs the risk of being arrested and deported. Thats more or less what happens to the aliens here on Earth. Surely they would be sent to laboratories and would become targets of studies and scientific experiments. The belligerent aliens have a way of acting and thinking very similar to our earthly governments. They do not desire the emancipation of humanity and look at us as inferior beings. They believe that we should serve your desires and intentions. They made agreements with our governments and began working together. These agreements involve the exchange of favors between them. Aliens installed bases and won permission to live here on earth. They act on earth abducting humans and animals for scientific purposes. In return, the aliens would have to pass their knowledge and technology to scientists and military. In fact this occurred, some of the fighters produced by the US and some other powers around the world already have alien technology. However, these extraterrestrials know of human inferiority and not respect us as our leaders would like. Only a small part of the technology that aliens have, was passed to us. Its like they give us the fish, but do not teach us how to fish. Our governments are aware of their inferiority and undoubtedly fear that these aliens could easily destroy us. That just does not occur due to the existence of an alliance of benevolent extraterrestrials. Together they protect the land from interference or even invasion of these beings. The aliens are forbidden to invade the land, but act through infiltration. Thus humanity is still ignorant of the existence of extraterrestrial life, but suffers his speech in the same way. UFO group in the world that is known to the Alliance or the Galactic Federation. This all may seem like fiction, but the next pages we will see that often the fiction is nothing more than the mirror of reality. Nowadays the warlike aliens, work alongside humans within-secret labs. Some of them are situated within military bases, that have been created just for this purpose. The problem is that after a while the agreement was broken. The aliens come to abduct people randomly without warning the US government. Because of this, some argue that today there is a real war between extraterrestrial beings here on earth. On one side, we find the races that use humanity as a natural resource and not respect us. On the other, we have aliens who wish to help humanity and accelerate our evolution. The majority ignores these battles, this because they do not occur on our heads. They happen in the most inhospitable planet or even outside places. We can cite as an example, the north and south poles. Isolated places where there are bases of various extraterrestrial races installed. Alliance aliens do not appear in the big cities, just not to interfere in our natural evolution. On the other hand, the evil aliens do not appear because it would generate a global revolt against them. When referring to governments and world leaders, in reality we are talking about one and the shadow government. Many still believe that countries are sovereign, but in reality almost all are now united in favor of a single government called the New World Order. This is a government that is being orchestrated by the elites. I mean large corporations, businesses, politicians, Secret Societies, and other organizations that conspire to make this world government will be implemented on the ground. Even today there is little resistance in the world against that government. Many of them have been or are being harassed and attacked, is what happened with Iraq, Libya and now is happening with Syria, Iran and North Korea. For some the New World Order is the solution to the wars and disagreements that occur around the planet. However, there are others who believe that NOM is nothing more than a way to further enslave the people and maintain power over her. Im not particularly against and also am not in favor. In fact it would be great to see all united humanity, so that the religions, cultures and divergent thoughts were not reasons for many wars and conflicts. However, it could be very dangerous to see control of the entire planet in a few or a single hand. If these are wrong hands mankind is in danger. Aliens wanting our evolution, want to see us together without dogmas, beliefs and religions that only delay the advancement of our consciousness. However, this union needs to be performed correctly, so that the benefit is for the whole human race. Making it not only serve to enslave us under the power of a single or a few leaders, but rather bring us real benefits. Here on earth we do not yet know no ideal form of government and approved by all. We are selfish beings who only care about with our well being and forget those who are very close. The Allies extraterrestrials, have a form of government where all care about everyone on their planets. Selfishness does not exist between them, so they live without wars, violence, etc. Furthermore the evil destroyed their planet and to themselves. They are performing genetic experiments on Earth, have the intention to create hybrid beings. Are doing so because they have become sterile, have lost the ability to reproduce. For those who are having first contact with UFOs or even conspiracy theories. All that has been said so far, it may seem crazy or surreal. Before taking his own conclusion, I ask that you investigate on your own. The following pages will attempt to lead the reader to the narrow and difficult path that leads to the truth. She showed a reality that is unimaginable for many. Although the rush of everyday life, take a little time studying this subject. Do not let the television do you think is inside of important events, because that certainly is not true. The knowledge of what is being said changed not only his life, but soon the whole planet. When that happens, all well get there take the veil over our heads and imprisons most of humanity. 1.1 The manifesto of Brazilian ufology In 2004 the Brazilian UFO community led CBU (Brazilian Committee of Ufologists) and UFO Magazine. Wrote a letter called The Manifesto of Brazilian Ufology Freedom of Information Now! That was to reach the Brazilian authorities. The purpose of the document was to request any and all information relating to UFOs, which are classified in the possession of the armed forces. A positive attitude has resulted, over the years several files and documents were declassified and came to public attention. Some documents were released with black bars on top of certain words, phrases or parts of text. This shows that some kind of information omitted from the population continues. They revealed that the armed forces as well as the Brazilian government, know much more than we can imagine. What we were shown, it is a small percentage of what they actually know about it. However, this result was very positive and even today thanks to this initiative, some documents still reach the public. 2.2 The Manifesto of World Ufology Recently in 2013, was written in Foz do Iguaçu another letter called The Manifesto of World Ufology. I was present at the event UFOZ II, where the letter was presented and signed voluntarily by all who attended. The charter aims to have the subject is cause for serious discourse and debates within the UN. Making all the worlds nations and the UN to talk openly and reveal what they know about the subject. She was handed over to Ambassador Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs Brasilia. He who has the necessary authority and competence for this type of document can reach the UN and show its real importance. We can proudly say that Brazil is one of the countries that stand out when it comes to Ufology. This is due to the dedication of countless Brazilian ufologists and mainly due to the initiatives of the CBU is chaired by Ufologist Gevaerd who also owns the UFO Magazine. Source: UFO in Chapada - UFO Center in Chapada Diamantina
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:59:19 +0000

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