Text of Abel Kendrick Revolutionary War Pension request Pension - TopicsExpress


Text of Abel Kendrick Revolutionary War Pension request Pension application of Abel Kendrick R5861 Transcribed by Will Graves State of Georgia, Hall Count Personally appeared in Open Court before Joseph Dunagan, Wiley E. Wood, & Nehemiah Garrison, Justices of the Superior Court of said County now sitting at a Court of Ordinary, Abel Kendrick, a resident of said County, aged seventy five years, the 14th Day of March 1834, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following officers and served as herein stated. Sometime in the Spring of the year 1779, I volunteered into the Company of Capt. William Grant as a private militiaman for a three months tour of duty, was marched to a place called Fair Forest [sic, Fairforest], where I joined the Regiment of Col. William Wofford and marched to Augusta in the State of Georgia, though we were stationed on the South Carolina side of the River. General Williamson [Andrew Williamson] had command of the Army at this place. After remaining at this place until my term of service expired, I was discharged and returned home. In about two or three months after getting home, I was drafted for a three months tour as a private militiaman into Capt. William Grants Company, marched to Fairforest and joined Col. Brannons [sic, Thomas Brandons] Regiment and marched to Savannah in the State of Georgia and attacked the British forces in the city, but were repulsed and compelled to retreat. The Regiment then returned home. My term of service having expired, I was discharged by Capt. Grant & returned home. Sometime in the year 1780, I was again drafted for three months as a private militiaman into Capt. James Steens Company and joined the battalion of Major Jolly [Benjamin Jolly] & the Regiment of Col. Brandon and marched to Charleston in South Carolina and from thence to a place called Camden in a river called Wateree, at which place my term of service ended and I returned home. After being at home a short time, I was again drafted for three months as a private militiaman into Capt. Grants Company and attached to Col. Brandons Regiment and marched to Blackstocks Ford on Tiger [sic, Tyger] River where we had a slight engagement or skirmish with the British, in which engagement the British retreated, but our officers, believing the enemy would be reinforced that night ordered a retreat eight or nine miles and encamped. Shortly after this, my term of service expired & I returned home. Sometime in the year 1781, I was again drafted into the Company of Capt. Robert Montgomery for a tour of three months and attached to Major Jollys Battalion and joined the Army under the command of Genl Pickens [Andrew Pickens] and marched to the Eutaw Springs, at which place we had a general engagement with the British. Genl Green [sic, Nathanael Greene] being chief in command at this place on the American side. I was in this engagement which I think was the 8th day of September 1781. I was discharged shortly after this engagement and returned home. Sometime in the spring of the year of 1782 I was drafted for a three months tour against the Cher [text torn, probably Cherokee] Indians, was under the command of Lieutenant Henley and Col. Kilgore [Benjamin Kilgore]; at the end of said tour which was spent in marching from one Indian town to another. I returned home after suffering with hunger and fatigue excessively. In a short time, I was again drafted for three months against the Indians and marching in various directions through the county for three months; was discharged. (and for which last two tours I hereby relinquished all claims, being informed that it is not required by the department as military service) I have no documentary evidence except those herewith submitted. I hereby relinquish all claims to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. 1. I was born in Hanover County, State of Virginia on the 14th day of March, 1759. 2. I have a record of my age at home. 3. I lived in what is now called Union District, State of South Carolina when called into service. I remained in Union District, South Carolina until about twenty years ago when I removed to Franklin County, State of Georgia & from thence to Hall County where I now live and have lived for the last thirteen years. 4. I volunteered into the first tour of duty and was drafted in all the others. 5. I recollect to have seen Generals Greene, Pickens, & Williamson; Cols. Brandon & Kilgore & Major Jolly 6. I never received any written discharge, they all being verbal. 7. Elijah Taylor, James Gilmore, Col Ezl Buffington, & Samuel K. Oliver, Esqr, & Middleton Brooks, & the Reverend Wiley E. Wood are persons in my present neighborhood & who would testify as to my character &c Sworn to and Subscribed the day & year first written. S/ Abel Kendrick, X his mark S/ Joseph Dunagan JHC
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 01:29:25 +0000

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