Text of the letter I just sent Florida Senators Nelson and Rubio - TopicsExpress


Text of the letter I just sent Florida Senators Nelson and Rubio regarding defunding tyrannicare (aka obamacare): Inasmuch as Senator Max Baucus, who helped write the Obamacare law has openly said that the law is headed for a "train wreck," and the majority of the population have opposed the law and continue to oppose the law, it is time to vote to defund Obamacare. In our Republic, you have been put in office to represent the interests of your constituents. Your constituents do not want Obamacare implemented. If you vote to continue to fund Obamacare, then you have violated the trust that your constituents placed in you to represent their interests when they voted you into office. You have already seen the devastating effects the passing of the law has had on employment, businesses, and the economy, in general. The full implementation of the law will be even more devastating on employment and economic growth. You constituents do not want this law. It is clear that this law is bad, since you and your staff have pleaded for and received taxpayer subsidies for 75% of the cost of participation in the plan. The president has granted numerous waivers and exemptions from the law to businesses and unions. The president has waived the employer mandate because of onerous reporting requirements on businesses. The administration waived the requirement that states determine who is actually receiving insurance from work and who is not. Instead, those applying for the subsidy will simply have to say that they are not getting insurance from work. The fact that the program cannot be up and running as required by the law means that this law is the "train wreck" described by Senator Baucus. Furthermore, these recent waivers open up a whole can of worms for fraud and appear to be an attempt by the administration to increase total enrollment in the state exchanges by encouraging fraudulent enrollment. You were not elected by your constituents to tolerate fraud or to waste taxpayer money. You were not elected for the purpose of receiving special treatment under a law that you passed. I request that you fulfill your duty and responsibility to your constituents by acting in their best interest and voting to defund Obamacare. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Now is the time to contact your Senators and ask them to vote to defund tyrannicare.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:53:02 +0000

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