Text your say: Debate on female cop hijab The Jakarta Post | - TopicsExpress


Text your say: Debate on female cop hijab The Jakarta Post | Readers Forum | Sat, June 22 2013, 1:40 PM A- A A+ Paper Edition | Page: 8 Your comments on the debate on whether female police officers should be allowed to wear the hijab continues, with some human rights activists calling on the National Police to revise the regulation that prohibits female cops from wearing the Muslim headscarf: There’s no problem with it. It’s just a matter of how stupid the police are to ban the hijab. In Indonesian law, every person can do what he/she believes and no one can interfere. Unfortunately, the law enforcer broke the law. So, who will correct the law enforcer? Jovan Andry Do we have a problem or something when a female police officer wears a hijab? Kiki Muhammad Wearing a headscarf for a female Muslim is obligatory as stated in the Holy Koran. Therefore, the female police officers should not be banned from wearing hijab because they are just following the teaching of their religion. In addition, there will be no negative impact in their job. In my opinion, the National Police must revise the regulation that prohibits female cops from wearing the Muslim head scarf. Fitri Nurjanah If Nasir Jamil of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) uses article 21 in the 2002 National Police Law to let police officers show their strong faith in God, it shows an ever deeper hypocrisy in the act of wearing a hijab, because most women when they are faced with the law in court will start wearing a hijab of some sort. Does it mean they have strong faith in God? If they did, they wouldn’t be lying, stealing and corrupting this nation, in the first place. So to wear a hijab in the police force, to show that one has a strong faith in God, manipulates people’s understanding into a belief that faith is something to be shown off ! If she doesn’t, her faith in God must not be as strong! What a joke! I feel sorry for those women that have a strong faith in God, maybe in other religions as well; it may make other people think they have “weak” faith. That is discrimination against one’s faith to say the least! What about freedom to worship God? We really need to appreciate our forefathers that established this nation based on the essence of our existence — Pancasila, the Constitution (UUD 45) and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Without those ideologies there wouldn’t be an Indonesia, let alone a police force! If the national police revise their law, it must have the approval of the legislators. I hope they can infuse some sense into PKS. Paul Tanjung Tan Jakarta I am offended by anyone that tries to take away my freedom to worship or when it is dictated by an institution. How dare the PKS make a judgment on women, whether they have a strong faith or not! How does their faith measure up to women not wearing hijab? They are hypocrites to enforce some show off attire to measure their faith in God! Don’t they fear God? Don’t they think that God knows what is in the heart of each and every one of us? One doesn’t need to prove their faith to anyone but God. Shame on you PKS! Putrie Jakarta Police uniforms for men as well as for women have standard requirements. Police officers are not at liberty to wear or attach accessories according to their own liking. If a person does not want to wear the uniform as regulated they should not apply to or join the police force. Soebagjo Soetadji Jakarta The sharia that has already been installed in Aceh seems to be starting to creep into other areas — the National Police. It is not good for the future. Most people will think and claim that the National Police will be the representatives of Muslims. It is not fair, is it? I think the most important thing for the National Police is to fight everyone who commits crime and negates people’s rights, no matter their ethnic, religious, social, economic or cultural background. The philosophical principle of our State is Pancasila, not sharia. Joko Wicoyo Yogyakarta What made me smile reading “Police in hot water over hijab ban” was that in sharia-ruled Aceh — where domestic violence is on the rise — “all women are obliged” to cover their hair. But elsewhere in Indonesia the police are considered a “repressive institution” because of the hijab ban for female officers. FIFA allows female soccer players to wear a hijab designed by Prince Ali of Jordan. So, why not let the policewomen wear this helmet-like sporty hijab? Olga Pitcairn The US For every Muslim woman, wearing a headscarf is obligatory. Whoever prohibits them must offer apology to Allah, the One, who makes the ruling. Bona Jakarta Topic of the day Fuel price hike The House of Representatives on Monday voted “yes” on the government’s proposal to reduce the fuel subsidy in an effort to ease pressure on the state budget. What do you think? Send your thoughts by email, SMS, Twitter or Facebook. Include your name and city. tjpforum SMS +628111872772 readersforum@thejakartapost
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:24:49 +0000

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