Texting and Yakuza: There are some real, what comedian Bill Maher - TopicsExpress


Texting and Yakuza: There are some real, what comedian Bill Maher would call knuckle-draggers, driving cars in the city of Osaka. Yesterday as I was pulling up to a stop at a red light, a car, on my right coming up to the same light, didnt seem to be slowing. As he glided passed me I could see the moron driver was texting. One of his legs was raised controlling the steering wheel while the fingers on one hand, danced on the phones screen. The guy was totally engrossed in his message writing and unaware of a white Mercedes Benz, a few meters ahead, waiting at the end of a long line of other cars. I watched, waiting for the inevitable. Sure enough, BANG!!! He slammed into the rear of the Benz. The drivers door of the Benz opened and a tall, fat Yakuza got out and moved quickly to the rear of his car. He looked at the other driver and started yelling obscenities as he pointed to the side of the road. I got off my bike and with about eight other rubber-necks, watched as events unfolded. Both cars pulled over to the shoulder. The Yak still cursing, walked toward the rear of his car. The other guy remained planted firmly behind the steering-wheel of his car and through the windscreen I could clearly see him bowing profusely and almost pleading for forgiveness. The Yak driver was, by the way, dressed in the same garb Al Pacino wore in the movie Scarface - red shirt, white pants, gold chains (neck and wrist), a gold watch and a pair of sunglasses that only Dame Edna Everidge would wear. Standing by the trunk (the boot) of his car, the Yak yells for the other driver to come and see the damage he has caused. The guy didnt move - remaining encased in the steel safety of his car bowing and mouthing his apologies. Im sure he was saying to himself, Shit! of all the cars to crash into, why did it have to be one driven by a Yak?. Finally the Yak, fed up with waiting, sashayed up to the guys window and starts abusing him.. After a full minute of the Yaks tirade, the guy slowly opens the door and climbs out into the sunlight. The Yak grabs his arm and propels him to the rear of his Mercedes, Look! he barks, Look what you did! Baka!!! (idiot). The guy starts his bowing again and asks, Hoken wa? (do you have insurance?). The Yak, yells, Baka!! again and adds, Your insurance! Not mine! The guy nods and taking out a pencil and piece of paper from his jacket pocket, writes down his name and phone number and hands it to the Yak. The Yak grunts something and then stuffing the note in the pocket of his godawful shirt, turns and walks to the front of his car, climbs in and drives off. From what I could see there was little damage to the Yaks vehicle. The poor guy that had just had his head shoved up his own ass, figuratively speaking of course, slumped against the hood of his car and with a handkerchief, wiped sweat from his forehead - a lesson learned..
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:36:11 +0000

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