Thailand Footprint: Bangkok Rules …. a Book Review - TopicsExpress


Thailand Footprint: Bangkok Rules …. a Book Review As debut novels go, this one is top notch. BANGKOK RULES seemed to have created more buzz than most debut novels, so I was curious to see if Harlan Wolff can tell a good yarn or not. He can, in my opinion, which any cynic will realize, (and any critic should realize) is not worth much – the opinion not the yarn. He’s got some issues with America and Americans, but we can forgive him for that – most people do, nowadays, and at least he likes our breakfasts and our authors. This novel is a thriller, not a who dunnit, so that element is absent but it does not detract from the pace of the story.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 09:02:41 +0000

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