Thailand: Reuters Propagandists Officially Out of Ideas The - TopicsExpress


Thailand: Reuters Propagandists Officially Out of Ideas The Western media is out of options for Thailand. It looks like the Thai military may have finally succeeded in uprooting Shinawatras influence and the foreign networks that supported him judging from their very weak attempts to attack Thailand in the media. Reuters for example ( is still peddling the dubious and long ago discredited claims of pro-terrorist red shirt activist Kritsuda Khunasen - whose story even people on her side say is not reliable or plausible. The Reuters piece is not journalism, but rather storytelling. The article claims, but allegations of abuse in military custody, plus signs of defiance on Thai campuses, undermine Prayuths claim that the junta is - to borrow the title of his Friday-night TV address to the nation - returning happiness to the people... The allegations refer to the SINGLE discredited allegation made by Kritsuda, and the defiance is the same old group of pro-Thaksin Nitirat astroturf recently exposed as funded by the US and working in tandem with Shinawatras PR machine (altthainews.blogspot/2014/06/exposing-fake-academics-their-foreign.html). Reuters would also cite US National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-funded Prachatai, who has lied about their foreign funding and to this day does not disclose their foreign funding to their Thai readers. Of all the abuse alleged and all the hand wringing found in the article, what Reuters will not remind readers of is the almost daily armed attacks that left dozens DEAD and hundreds MAIMED - attacks carried out by the very people Krtisuda and Nitirat work for and support. Up until the day martial law was announced, there were people being attacked and dying as billionaire despot Shinawatra and his followers clung to power. We are seeing attempts to frame the entire situation in Thailand with history starting on May 22, skipping past the very real abuses that took place under the elected government of Shinawatra, carried out by the very real thugs that propped up his regime.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 07:28:07 +0000

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