Thanatophobia or Necrophobia I constantly chat women up half my - TopicsExpress


Thanatophobia or Necrophobia I constantly chat women up half my age. I think I am 18 but Im not. It takes me ages to prepare for funerals. If somebody gets Ill I laugh and make jokes. Even though I used to drive really fast those memory’s are constantly in my head. I’ve been to parties and drunk a bottle of whiskey in less than an hour. As you get older you become more sensible but from an early age I could and still will never go n a roller coaster, I cant do big fair ground rides you can laugh but they scare me and its difficult to build up the courage to do dangerous stunts. I just cant do it. I go mountain biking and even though at the time I feel safe. When Im on a path with a banking, that drop off that banking stays in my head for a very long time I look down and think WOAH!, in fact its there in my head constantly that last week when I was racing through the woods. I used to work 40 feet high on warehouse roofs. Cant do it anymore, Heights scare me. I’m gradually getting worse with heights, even escalators make me panic when I look down nowadays. Saw somebody die once. I didn’t even know the guy but went home and cried my eyes out for no reason. Im Christian I cant be atheist it would never suit me because you just cant be atheist its impossible. When ever im near a vicar or priest I always have to get to know them have a chat stand with them at a party or gathering. I feel safe with them, they make me laugh and im always interested in what they have to say. I have a lot of time and admiration for people who do that. There is no cure. No charity. No help. No nothing for something you have to live with every single day of your life and you can not do anything about it. You just have to live with it and its very difficult to fight and stay calm and accept that its an illness that will never go away. It should be recognised more because even though It’s rare, more people that people realise probably suffer from it. Thanatophobia or Necrophobia I have it real bad and its not nice
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 23:26:41 +0000

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