Thank Dave Moore, former senior pastor of Southwest Community - TopicsExpress


Thank Dave Moore, former senior pastor of Southwest Community Church in Palm Desert. America In Crisis - How Did We Get Here? I’ve never seen America is such deep disarray. It might have began with the forcing of Obamacare upon the American people. Now, even it’s primary author calls it a “train wreck.” My health insurance has gone up 60% this past year and AETNA just canceled the health insurance of millions in California because it can’t afford to do business there under Obamacare regulations. About that same time there was the ATF’s Fast and Furious scandal and the coverup that led to the Attorney General being held in contempt by congress - that’s still unresolved. Then came Benghazi where American heroes were abandoned, left to die and the coverup - still unresolved. Then there was the Attorney General authorizing the seizure of phone records and emails of journalists, even calling Fox News reporter James Rosen a “Co-Conspirator” in an attempt to justify the illegal seizures - still unresolved. Then there was the IRS targeting conservative groups and individuals with delays in approvals, demands of personal information and personal audits. Yeah, that’s still unresolved too. Do you remember things like the GSA training conference in Vegas that cost us $823,000, and the Solyndra fiasco that cost tax payers a half a billion dollars, and the New Black Panthers menacing voters at the polls but that crime ignored by Justice Department, and how about the $70 million dollars in IRS bonuses which many are calling “hush money” for not telling what they know about IRS targeting conservatives. Yesterday the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act once again ignoring the vote of the people and further proving that we do not live in a democracy but rather under Judicial Tyranny. Our debt is approaching $17 trillion yet the president is currently on his 17th vacation in Africa that will add $100 million dollars to our debt. While this administration can’t afford to keep the White House tours open it can find the money for the President to play golf 125 times thus far and guess what. His one golf outing with Tiger Woods cost enough to keep the White House tours funded for a full year! What happened to us? What happened to the U.S? That’s the focus of the CD’s I’d like to make available to you this July. What’s happening to America reminds me of the frog in the boiling pot. The frog in the pot doesn’t notice the temperature gradually rising until it’s too late, finds himself to weak to jump out of the pot and ultimately cooks to death. For years, we’ve lived in a nation where the change has been gradual enough that much of it went unnoticed - that’s so dangerous! Now, it appears that many of our worst fears are becoming a reality and America is becoming unrecognizable. I’ve put together four messages addressing the facts that catapulted America to greatness and perhaps, Her greatest threat.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 19:14:32 +0000

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