Thank God. I think weve had just enough paranoia for the next few - TopicsExpress


Thank God. I think weve had just enough paranoia for the next few decades over this. To paraphrase Allison M. Dickson, who said it best, the idea of mandatory quarantine in this case is just silly. Daily monitoring is enough, because Ebola is only communicable through bodily fluids and when you are not showing symptoms, you are not contagious. Therefore, you undertake daily monitoring for symptoms. What you DONT do is try to override the CDC and place medical professionals under unnecessary quarantine (therefore disincentivizing them to help patients, or incentivizing them to treat patients and then lie about exposure) just because youre a politician, Ebola and elections both scare you, and you dont know jack about medical science, quarantine procedures, or epidemiology but you think youre more qualified to decide on them than the nations leading experts who have spent their lives keeping our nation safe from the rampant spread of infectious diseases. What is this, the Middle Ages? To quote the judge: [This will] create a chilling effect on our brave doctors and nurses that would otherwise volunteer to go to West Africa to stop the ebola virus. This will allow the virus to continue to spread in West Africa for a longer period of time, resulting in greater loss of life AND greater transmission to the population of West Africa. Those American doctors and nurses that still decide to bravely travel to West Africa will be incentivized to lie upon their return to the US, thus creating a larger threat of ebola in the US. The CDC released a national standard for how everyone is to be treated and it does NOT create a chilling effect on our brave doctors and nurses going abroad to fight ebola. It also does not incentivize them to lie upon return to the US to prevent unnecessary quarantines that can violate the rights of these heroes. Id also like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, those that have risked their lives to serve in West Africa to save countless lives. You are our heroes. And you all deserve better than this... Relieved that in this case, a judge is listening to actual medical scientists and not to freaked-out politicians during election season. Can I hear an Amen? And also, can we all stop freaking out just because the media tells us we should be freaking out? talkingpointsmemo/news/judge-rejects-ebola-quarantine-nurse?utm_content=buffer254c7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:28:24 +0000

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