Thank God for you Sarah Palin! I am so proud of you and your - TopicsExpress


Thank God for you Sarah Palin! I am so proud of you and your courage for saying exactly whats millions of us feel. We have reached critical mass, the time of waiting and watching is over! We the people demand the impeachment of this lawless, Muslim in sheeps clothing. I fear for your safety Sarah, for speaking the truth; what you said plainly is so right, now is the time for the American people to unite! I truly believe the border crisis is an intentional act by our president to cause civil unrest so that he can declare martial law and implement operation garden plot. (Google it.) I certainly hope that we can resolve this blatant dereliction of duty peacefully, yet I fear for the safety of every single freedom loving American. I also truly hope, that if the worst is realized, that the US military and local law enforcement will remember their oaths to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC, and that you will side with the law-abiding, freedom loving American public, and not blindly follow unlawful orders given by the current administration. Only then, can we have a peaceful resolution to this impending nationwide crisis. Wake up people, he is a puppet for the radical extremist Muslims, bent on the utter destruction of our very way of life, whos only desire is to make the world Islam by force, where sharia law, will be the law of the land with barbarous brutality, and the end of individual freedom and civil rights for all who fall under its evil ideology. DO YOU DOUBT IT? You only need to look at the sublimation of the nations of Great Britain and Australia, and the foothold Islam has taken there. Something is fundamentally wrong, when the police forces of those great nations protect the rights of radical Muslims who scream in the streets for the beheading of anyone who slanders Islam. How can this be being tolerated? I am not Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling. Open your eyes and see the truth. This is real, my fellow Americans, and it is NOW.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:28:52 +0000

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