Thank God that finally someone is speaking the truth! How long - TopicsExpress


Thank God that finally someone is speaking the truth! How long have I and others been beating this drum to try and get the citizenry of this foreign owned and dominated, unconstitutional and therefore illegal UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION (see Act of 1871) to wakeup? We need to stop drinking this de facto sponsored Kool Aid/pablum, these lies which the American media feeds us on a daily basis (and by the way 90+ percent of the American media is also owned & controlled by these same banksters). We have been lied to and de frauded for the last 141 years by the largest ponce scheme in the history of the planet, and today America is on the verge of being taken over, just like what happened in Nazi Germany! May God help the American people to wakeup and take our country back by supporting our only de jure (lawful) Constitutional Republic. As I see it we each have one of two choices to make. Either we wakeup, take back our country, and hold these de facto politicians who have betrayed our country and their oath of office accountable, or we can just go back to sleep and pretend nothing is wrong. Which is it going to be? Skip Sent via my Samsung Epic™ 4G Touch
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:27:50 +0000

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