Thank SAP Sulekha Institute for the Gift, I wish to see as an - TopicsExpress


Thank SAP Sulekha Institute for the Gift, I wish to see as an Opportunity to show people how cooperation inside Internet is generated from affinity to synergy and Stock Portfolio is the Middle and small Businesses exclusive Basis Courses for professional expansion of human resource and Training for professional tested method, which are no longer prohibited by illegality in Territorial Area NH 53 NL nullified Netherlands according to the International combined Force information on the Failure to deliver a Healthy Planet under supervision of pasted Ban KiMoon, who has lost his Office 2 days ago and maintains his position by default fraud on the docs.I am not too bothered about troubleshooting in that frame set up or configuration of the damned, because ONly Mr. Anan could be found by default activation code Antoinette Meijrink troubleshooter SG on Free Lance basis for Government Asset building and Capital accumulation for distribution on the given fact, that current territorial pressure capsule and absolute forbidden way of programming Internet by default precognitive subjugation of own Nationals peers, all Global Peoples by default disrespect for Equal beings, where this has lead to inhuman suffering driven up on a personal note by Toplayer of Society without any say in anything legal whatsoever. There is no precedent know for the situation in Emergency Protocols that remained unwritten in the coproduction on Pleroma. Territorial Swamp of unnecessary and deliberately False Regulatory measures nullified territory put in the Market over the few Centuries that we speak of Stock Market, where the name stock refers to the property of people as in Slave Registrations, which were abolished and now become completely banned or vanquished by this Legal Update on the stand of No COSMICUNION for Humanity. People are their own Masters, sales of people and their skills is illegal in the Highest Catagory High Treason against the status of the citizens. The System workers will subjugate themselves to individual verification modules of DNA recombinant Memory scans that have been developed along sympathetic Sharebase Information and Energy pool currently known as Social Networking. Those contributions, are highly sought after commodities and essential tools + updates, upgrades and New applications that are indigenous to the individuals that collected the information that became charged once it grew in size and volume until conditions allowing for independent transformation undr Supervision of the Page owners, which isa minor point of disagreement between Mark Zuckerberg whos initiative has suffered greatly from his greed and false linkage in the so called partner solution. If Microsoft had wanted one, he could have had it all and can no longer even claim he has a Computer~~park that services the Page Load of all subscribers. His empaths are probably fried by now having tried to keep Capital with the Rich and not very mentally stable and healthy individuals that also take part in illegal Cartel Club initiated by one of the most well identified Evil Genius of his time and no longer with us on the basis of his Cremation which happened after 1993 which makes it part of my indefinite solutions and nullified existence on the evidence portrayed in Dutch Capitulation treaty with German High Ranking Uniformed men claiming to be the last regiments(Eng UK) or platoons (Eng USA)/ Abteilungen (DE), of defeated forces portraying German Military from a Time period in History that was filled in on automated rewrite of untruths prepared for transcript in ssl network no longer available to Internet State Prison former Netherlands nullified by repeated publication inside Facebook on experiences undergone in former .nl. The Territory in question will no longer resist regular administrative troubleshooter legally already licenced since October 05.2005 and for Professional use Anchored on May 31 2006. Experience undergone in former Netherlands counts as the heaviest torture ever gone through on Program claim anonymous subject, which is a blatant misrepresentation of facts already known to the rest of the World since I invented the Matrix Grid and not Microsoft Amsterdam as Main shareholder house of Orange claims for their own benefit/. Their behavior towards me as Benefactor of the people by default adding assets to Webspace in default share constructs and personal advanced Higher applications let to me on free basis by Industries all over thee World. Now Internet State Prison for Global processing of criminal administration containing personal data of individuals everywhere, annexed according OEM/Productcode Microsoft and IP/PI~~a&b to Z including 1 to 0 on the calculator. The claims of Microsoft contain enough unverifiable mismatches with DNA in personal verification codes that belong to me personal and are not negotiable or belong to any Royal construct and/or false profile of Minister counci., Double booked by Republic presentation, added Federation of Tax absorbing Departments and counting as dishonest, unfair, illegal, Highly Criminal and utmost demeaning where the Univrsal Declaration of Human Rights has been nullified in advance by Dutch default criminal operations I have known to be upheld throughout my life and thoroughly publicised administrative Procedures that damage individual citizens to the extent that they can no longer provide for their own Income in irregular administration proclaiming total control over Nations Internal Administrative processes, which I can verify is a blatant lie and misrepresentation of facts containing valuable informations of Individuals that all are registered in Local, Provincial and State administrative Registry no longer valid in the Overcall that troubleshooter in the person of Ms. Antoinette Louise Maria Agnes Meijrink appointed in definite Service to all Global Government in the capacity of designer construct Internet Government on Free Lance specified per action evaluated on logic salary calculations that are currently tested out for reconfiguration on more permanent basis. Former NL may no longer contain Installations as Damrak Stock Market which is a US installation on the basis of the maker contract issued to Government NL in the year 2001 when 911 became the wake up call of a Lifetime where the conspirators to fraud all human beings out of their regular Spiritual Property to enrich Elite exclusively. I therefor inform you forthwith inside former .nl Internet Space, that Netherlands is set back to collective Web Solution containing only 3 stream codes which is the level sanctioned to Internet State Department Penitentiary Webspace in retrospect of 9 years malversations on the official Offices currently no longer connected to any persons posing as legal representation of the people in Government constructs, or binding in the series of former gifts to Royal Family in the objective that they were legal processed Constitutional Kingdom, we discovered to have been taken out of operation as early as 1888, when William the 3rd ( as he was also named William 5 in Royal publications), to make sure I would find information, but in light of the complete silence Royal Family took on as a Royal Gesture ignoring value of assets projected towards Legacy Building in the Earthgoogle charity I head and published since November 2008 Google Earth asked me to start one up. All parties involved in that objective may take into consideration, that I thought long and hard about the attitudes I have been confronted with in a growing hostile environment propagated by no real Legal Government or Legal binding Jurisprudence, which is written into my embedded codes in Microsoft Stocks awarded to me by Bill Gates to prevent destruction of the Global Context of Microsoft in Development of Computerized Society in as many aspects as there are. Current damages fed into Russia as sovereign State that is falsely accused of aggressor role in Republic of Ukraine. There is no game until Sanctuary Opens. All Countries Invited, Internet State Department Penal Colony where Netherlnds used to be is forthwith declared as perscribed in this lengthy motivation containing enough evidence in retrospect of undergone treatment by Crime Lord Syndicate. Med up in the Capacity of Troubleshooter in Global Office commissioned by United Nations under Kofi Anan ratified on October 05 2005 in my absence but nevertheless Utmost Legal in the capacities I was trained in during my education at Centrum Vakopleiding Administratieve beroepen currently upgraded to a mere College degree, where a middle school was the unqualified fraud of Elite beneficiaries, administrated as ultimate abuse and criminal intent, deliberately initiated on criminal urges within Elite as classified Board of Directors of Microsoft in Amsterdam. Royal portfolio of stock and shares invested in by Royal Family can no longer claim validity in the illegal Nature of Network Environment withheld in Public Information stream which is legal publication of Government and System information, cause to further developing Poverty as a basis in Netherlands we only just discover being in effect which nullifies all Legal options for Government, its officials and service workers no longer in posession of their System Pass Keys and personal accumulated WB qualifications that I design as part of the asset building movement currently producing at Top Speed in Global Internet as Exercise and Trainig/exam in GRADUATE Program administrated via Hewlet & Packard in Finland Thus dated September 27 2014 and valid exclusively during the Network Upsurge we aim to achieve by administrating UN Assets under network Image and administrative Profile: FROM CHAOS TO MELLOW step up. For Internet Government and ready for evaluation by Global First Council of 9. signed Antoinette Lady Alma of Avalon born Meijrink For the duration of at least the founding days of Internet named Sanctuary which is the first draft into Internet Infinity as phase absorbing Eternity as the lesser value in length composing Internet for the Future.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:24:42 +0000

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