Thank You EVERYONE For the thoughts & prayers. It has been a very - TopicsExpress


Thank You EVERYONE For the thoughts & prayers. It has been a very emotional 24 hours as were still trying to understand WTF happened. Basically yesterday started off like any other normal day. Liz got home around 4:30, let everyone out for a quick bathroom break then began rotations. In hindsight Apollo was moving a little slow but at 10 years old that wasnt all that uncommon. I got home around 6:30 and went upstairs to bring Lola & Apollo down. There was a pile of vomit and a couple solid turds on the carpet. Apollo was awake but didnt aknowledge me when I called him down. After a couple of times calling for him he did get up on his own & come downstairs and climbed onto the couch. I sat next to him for about a 1/2 hour before he started going through the ready to puke motion. I tried to turn his head off the side of the couch and his body was limp and he slid off the couch like an otter slidding down a river bank. At that point I could see in his eyes that something was seriously wrong and told Liz we need to go to EVH NOW! His body was completely lifeless and I carried him to the van. On the drive to Ann Arbor he seemedcomfortable and relaxed for the most part. I carried him into the vets office and they immediately started working on him. His heart-rate was extremely high and had rapid waves and the x-rays showed fluid around the heart and between the lungs. At this point we were told there is 3 things to consider. #1, Trauma. We knew there hadnt been any. #2 The possibility that hed gotten into some rat poison. That too seemed extremely unlikely & #3, a mass of some sort,likely cancer or something. #3 seemed to be the most probable. Once he was stableized and his heart rate was back down we ran and grabbed some dinner while we waited for more bloodwork results. When we got back from dinner the Dr. was with another patient and we were invited back to visit with him while we waited for the Dr. Suddenly he started getting restless and began panting heavy. I called for the Dr. as I checked his mouth. His gums were all white and colorless. They sprung into action and determined that his chest was filling up with blood again. As they were draining him he went into Cardiac arrest but they were able to bring him back. Sadley he arrested again and he could not be revised. My phone is acting up and I am TRYING to re upload FB to my phone. We appreciate all the concern and will try and respond to everyone as long as my phone will allow me to. We have Apollo in the van now and will be taking him to Faithful Companions for cremation. 1st im going to bring Lola outside to say her Goodbyes. Let the water works continue! I seriously cant rember ever crying so much in my life, at least with Scout we knew it was coming and we had to make the decision to end his suffering.We had NO Warning this time. Thanks again everyone who took the time to read this.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:25:26 +0000

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