Thank You Lord, for Opening my eyes to another day! Good-Morning - TopicsExpress


Thank You Lord, for Opening my eyes to another day! Good-Morning Family and Friends? *TEACHING OUR CHIDREN---WHAT?*--The primary task of the parent is to build in his child faith in God. It is the unwise parent who makes the statement "When my child is old enough I will let him choose for himself the faith he will live by." Man does not have this option, for a child will live by his parents faith. Each day, by observing his parents, he will be making this decision. The faith of a child is a fusion of the faith of his parents. We are representing God to our children. What he sees in his parents, he will imitate and assume as his own. The primary consideration is always the giving of an intelligent faith which will equip the child to handle the problems he will meet through life. Gods plan is a plan of Unity between men. In the Family this unity must be exhibited and believed in. As the family counsels together, it also WORSHIPS TOGETHER. Set aside a time each day the family can READ SCRIPTURE and PRAY TOGETHER. There will be no experience of the family that does more to strengthen, unite and perfect the unit that is the family. Schools, churches and clubs are, at best, only supplementary instruments of inspiration and education to the child. They build on what is begun in the home. The home has the primary responsibility to "train up a child in the way he shall go and he will not depart there from". May God Bless You All!!.........Pete.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 14:46:54 +0000

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