Thank You, Lord ... for everything. Thanks for all Your - TopicsExpress


Thank You, Lord ... for everything. Thanks for all Your benefits: for forgiveness of all our faults, defects, and sins; for healing our bodies, minds and relationships; for redeeming our lives from the destructions of self-will; for your grace that overrules our lives; for your kindness and mercy in answering our prayers; for all the good things in life; for your protection and provision; for a new hope, a new joy, a new purpose for living. Thank You, Lord ... for seeing all our suffering and pain; for all Your comfort and defense. (Thank You, Lord, for my wife, our children and grandchildren, our families, friends, and all those who trust You.) I praise You for Your mercy and grace; for how You could have been angry with me but You patiently corrected me. When I look back, I see Your abundant mercy that You have shown me ... all my life. Thank You, Lord ... for never nagging at me, for never correcting me out of anger ... but chastising me out of love. Thank You for not giving me the wages that my sins earned. Thank You for not throwing me away like a defective part or rotten piece of fruit. Truly, Your mercy towards me has been higher than the heavens ... You have taken my sins and sinfulness, removed them, put them out of Your sight, thrown them into the deepest part of the ocean. Father God ... I love You because You love me, even as Your Son, Jesus. Lord Jesus, thank You ... for sharing my weakness and for understanding my fears. Our days are full of trouble and grief, but when I remember to look to You, my life is full of hope and joy. Lord, grant more grace that I may keep the faith and finish the course You have set for me. Help me to keep my priorities straight ... You are soon coming to rule as King of kings! May we all be ready for that day. Thank the Lord, you strong ones, who do His will. Thank the Lord, you ministers of the Word, who pastor the Lords flock. Thank the Lord, everyone everywhere, who the Lord has granted Life, the power of choice, and mercy. Thank You, Lord!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 12:48:53 +0000

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