Thank You to Gurbaksh Singh for taking the initiative on the Sikh - TopicsExpress


Thank You to Gurbaksh Singh for taking the initiative on the Sikh Prisoner permanent release issue. Until December 2013, we did not even know how many Sikhs were rotting in Indian prisons BUT Gurbaksh Singhs marvellous effort resulted in release of 4 imprisoned Sikhs on a months parole each and raised awareness about the imprisoned Sikhs issue . Now after a year of ground work, Gurbaksh Singh has again aimed for the release of Seven Sikhs, who have not only ALREADY served their prison sentences BUT also OVERSTAYED in Indian jails for many many years beyond those sentences. This time , Gurbaksh Singhs move has already started making waves in BJP circles who are the rulers of India and want to gain political mileage out of this issue. As a response to this Badals are also being supportive in paperwork on the Burrail jailed Sikhs. Overall, these are very positive movements. Those who have doubts about Gurbaksh Singhs intentions can either 1) approach him and talk to him at the morcha site and clarify their doubts . Number to call is (91) 97816-10329. 2) contact his team by phone etc and clarify whatever concerns they have . Please remember, He is just surviving on Water and has not eaten for 7 days and his body has already suffered consequences of 45 days of continuous hunger from last December. So, FOR GODs SAKE, have some decency when you talk about him. If you dont trust him, then dont support him BUT is it too much to ask you to have some basic human decency ? Yes, we are a leaderless people and each is doing their own stuff BUT does that justify attacking Gurbaksh Singh AFTER he has again taken the plunge on this issue and is on a Do or Die mission ? He IS DOING SOMETHING CONCRETE for the release of Prisoners ........ .............Let him do it.........If you cant help him, dont hurt him, This is THE LEAST you can do .............Thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:11:16 +0000

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