Thank god... A sprinkle....finally... I awoke to the - TopicsExpress


Thank god... A sprinkle....finally... I awoke to the chorus of crickets... The air still heavy with the threat of rain.. The predicted storm, potential floods.. Hanging in the air like a threat. A horrid day, the world has lost a light. Sleep eludes me.. Suicide a reality in my life revisits in the night He took his life. As I sit in the home we breifly shared But his spirit has never left. I am thankful we had each other then. He adored me and I him. Survivor is a rediculous word. A decade has past and people still Want to blame, still want a reason Still are angry he is gone. And the air hangs heavy like tonights Threat of a storm everytime Some one mentions his name Reminded by other suicides like tonight I still can burst into tears Filled with memories and emotions That can flood my present Almost drowning myself with The pain of his loss. The flood waters clear quicker these days I can function sooner But the pain is no less intense When the memory settles back in the place That time covered greif places it Tucked behind the movement and happenings of A decade of days He is still gone And that will forever make a difference.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:10:56 +0000

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