Thank goodness for a very attentive person to pass along some very - TopicsExpress


Thank goodness for a very attentive person to pass along some very interesting info to me, this morning. So... apparently my mans EX is advertising on her FB page that HE made imposter FB accts with her name/pic!!!! She has been accusing him of doing such and trying to slander his character! And, whats hilarious to know is... her mother in Texas had the nerve to make a comment, such as whats wrong with his new woman? she must not be good enough for him either. That is so funny. Her daughter, my mans EX wasnt good enough. Thats for sure. First of all... His EX is an EX for a reason ;) She should not be so confident in flattering herself, THINKING or trying to make OTHERS believe that her EX cares about her or trying to be in her business and would stoop so low and make a fake FB acct. Cough! Cough! are NOT a thought in his mind. But... those who KNOW the TRUTH...KNOW the REAL truth ABOUT HER CHARACTER, CLAIMS, PERSONALITY, etc!!! ;) Yet, another attempt by Miss Crazy...still searching for pity, sympathy & attn. Boo. Secondly, to the other Miss Phillips (her mother in TX) ...I am not the NEW woman ;) I am the woman in his life since the age of 14. And...look, its 26 years later...I am still here! ^_^ Your daughter was a temporary fill in for me, since he could not have me for a period of time, in which we had to go through & experience/learn certain LIFE lessons, along the way. So be sure to get your info straight when you refer to me. Perhaps, if you spent more time confronting & dealing with you & your daughters inner demons, it could be of help. Obviously, her mental illness is in her genes. Third...It is quite amazing how his EX insists on lying & trying to make others believe in her twisted theories & words. If she only looked DEEPER and realized it is someone WAY closer to her that is in her business/done what she accuses her EX of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt take a rocket scientist to put two & two together. Although, yes, he is glad to be rid of you & is finally living the life he always wanted...he, dear, is NOT the one you should be blaming, thats for sure. LOL But, crazy will be crazy and it is much easier for the dilusional, misguided, jealous & vengeful person to play a victim to her FB world and lead others to believe her ex gives 2 shits about her...rather than open her eyes & admitt to who the culprit really is/was. Blood doesnt always run thicker than water. Thats all I will elaborate on that. LOL Thanks for further proving your layers of mental illness, emotional instability & ignorance. Boy! That pysch doctor really had alot to say in court. Maybe its time you evaluate your overall situation & concentrate on finding peace & happiness. Try to fix yourself. P.S. Halloween is right around the corner. You were born with the instant witch face. Color your face green & you are all set ;) Hee Hee. LOCA! Pray for her.Toodles.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:29:19 +0000

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