Thank you Again Everyone for signing and sharing my petition to - TopicsExpress


Thank you Again Everyone for signing and sharing my petition to expand Medicaid ! It is greatly appreciated. We must fight this nobke fight ourselves ! The States will not lift a finger to help ! Many local municipalities are hand wringing over the Public Community hospitals closing. I remember before I left Ocala Fl to move to S.Fl Munroe Regional Medical Center our 120 yr old Community Hospital wanted a 1/2 cent tax to keep it afloat ! Sad to say after I left the tea party won the fight to not have any taxes ! Soon the Hospital would be sold ! There is too much selfish greed going on when it comes to the welfare of the poor ! The new development of The Hepatitis C Vaccine and the astronomical charge to get treatment for it is a great example of this ! We must decide that having access to medicine and seeing a Doctor is not freeloading on the Government ! Enough of the selfish you are spending my money argument ! If that was the case I would say my money is being spent paying GOP TEA PARTY POLITICIANS WHO DO NOT WORK BUT WE PAY ! ? ?...That my friends is a fraud ! Or why spend my moneynon tanks and pointless wars ? Do I support Our Military absolutely ! And yes even they are not being given good healthcare ! We need to take action ! Waiting on a politician to save the day just will not cut it ! We need to Push hard to get all insured ! I support my friend Lindsey Benage and her candlelight vigils ! I want all who can to contact her and do this ! It will be a great statement ! I also want to make a statement on Social Media maybe not on the same day but maybe on Friday before ? I propose Cyber Social Media Expand Mediaid Now Support Medicare day ! For all on the fence waiting on Single payer ! Please come off it ! If you support both Medicare and Medicaid you support single payer. I suggest posting stories on how Medicare helps you and Why Those without Medicaid are suffering currently and needlessly ! We need you to be involved if you have not signed my petition or any others to expand Medicaid Please do so ! People are sick and dying ! Cancer patients the injured diabetics people with heart disease stroke victims accident victims ! They can not wait ! They suffer now in anyonmity and silence ! This is not a states rights issues as the GOP SAYS but a human rights one ! One person told me they would not sign my petition it was unfair to tell someone in another state what to do ! Well if you have a conscience it should not matter what city county or state you live in ! Sickness and injury do not care where you live and can happen when you do not expect it ! So please all stop the selfish attitudes and apathy ! Please help us fight with and for us I need you WE THE UNINSURED IN 24 STATES DESPERATELY NEED YOU TO GET UP AND FIGHT WITH HM AND FOR US ! People who save lives are heroes ! You can be a hero if you help or a zero - status quo supporter of the tea party ! If you do nothing ! Please help us All. I want numbers not just on my petition but I want to see tweets and posts saying #EXPAND MEDICAID NOW PEOPLE NEED HELP ! Take to twitter on MSNBC SHOWS LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD FIGHTING THIS FOR THE VOICELESS-THE UNINSURED !!! PLEASE HELP ME MAKE MY GOAL /IDEA OF CYBER SOCIAL MEDIA EXPAND MEDICAID CELEBRATE MEDICARE DAY HAPPEN.Thank you All God Bless
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:43:31 +0000

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