Thank you, Carissa, for sharing your beautiful story with me! - TopicsExpress


Thank you, Carissa, for sharing your beautiful story with me! Carissa was asked to come speak to the nursing staff at the hospital where she gave birth to her precious son, Jack, who was born with Down syndrome. I love her words -- and it has inspired me to reach out to our local hospital as well. What if all of us shared our stories with our local hospital staff? How could we help affect the way Down syndrome diagnoses are shared? An excerpt of what Carissa shared with the hospital staff: I asked them if they would consider creating the environment that made families reflect on their time in the hospital and say, Wow, they knew something before we did. That our child would change our lives for the better. I asked them to go outside their comfort level and love on these families who may be fragile, in shock, fearful, and filled with tears. Help them see what they will soon come to see when they fall in love with their child. When their baby steals their heart, smiles, coos, and they come to realize they have been given one of lifes best gifts. I promise you, the family will never forget your response. You have the influence of starting this beautiful journey with a positive message, their child is to be celebrated like any other child. I encouraged them that if they didnt feel comfortable with what to say to the parents, go over to the baby and say something to the baby. You are precious.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:32:59 +0000

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