Thank you Cindy for following and believing in us plus all others - TopicsExpress


Thank you Cindy for following and believing in us plus all others ; ) There is allot of Farm Politics in this area of work and we value not falling into that arena. You will know a good farmer when you meet them most of the time but allot are good at showmanship only. Unfortunately we have seen some of them succeed off deception such as using store bought melt and poor soaps instead of actually creating their own product for one instance. And beware of Organic claims. Organic eggs and animals is very expensive and if the price is low stay away. We tried Organic and the economics failed. When we say natural we mean it. It may not be organic but our animals are truly free range and happy. The cage free claim can also be deceptive. Cage free can mean they are in a fenced in pen of any size. Always ask your farmer the important questions and hopefully they will be honest. I could be dishonest and say we feed organic feed but secretly feed Big-R cheap feed but we dont. But being free range they get the benefits of living natural eating bugs and grass and the store feed is just supplemental. Farming is a hard life choice and being an honest Farmer can be even harder. I could name some bad ones and bad practices I seen but instead I rather name the good hard working people we know and value their sharing of knowledge. Two of which liked this post and there is many to list but off the top of my head is Kates Farm, Easter Egg Acres, Frost Family Farm, most at the CFAM Saturday Market, and Dewmar Acres in Peyton to name a few. Mary Sue from Dewmar Acres is rough and tough on the surface but shes no holds barred honest and if you step through her gate she will put you to work ; ) Thats just to name a few. We all learn from each other and allot of painful trial and error to do what we love. Most Farmers are not polished salesmen with a picture perfect farm. I always suspect them since just finding the time to get a haircut is a luxury. Living a life with animals is a peaceful escape from the city life but a hard working escape. Most of us are more than happy to share our knowledge we learned from others. I have always gone into this and to this day still want to say I worked my butt off and I always earned an honest living like my grandfathers did before me Too keep my pride in that is my goal even if the farm fails. Its weird where life can take you. Before this I built missiles and bombs In the Air Force then spent years in college to do computer networking (Cisco) Now I have a love/hate thing for the damn machines Diana was an animal trainer at SeaWorld and Discovery cove (mostly Dolphin training) so she was meant for this. She also works with special needs kids at our local school. Now I hold the hammer and she holds the patience plus brains. If I let her get my hammer she might hit me with it ~ Ken ~
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:43:04 +0000

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