Thank you God Letter we got. - TopicsExpress


Thank you God Letter we got. MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Fellow VA Employees and Families: In signing Congress’ agreement to end the shutdown, President Obama directed the reopening of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the rest of the Federal Government. We, at VA, look forward with great anticipation to welcoming everyone back as soon as possible to resume full operations on behalf of Veterans, Servicemembers, their families, and our survivors—operations that were interrupted by an avoidable shutdown. The President was firm in his leadership, unwavering in his commitment to all of us, and determined in ending the shutdown. I want to thank each of you for your dedication and resolve during this difficult period. Many of you faced furloughs and hardships; all of you faced the stress of uncertainty during this period of frustration. Yet, despite it all, you have remained committed to our mission of serving Veterans with the dignity and respect they have both earned and deserve. Earlier this week, President Obama bestowed our Nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, on Captain (U.S. Army, Retired) William D. Swenson, the sixth living recipient of the award from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for actions in the Battle of Ganjgal Valley, on September 8, 2009. Captain Swenson’s deeds on that day—his bravery, his determination, and his inspiring compassion for a badly wounded comrade—represent the highest levels to which the human spirit can soar during the most difficult, desperate, and terrifying moments. As the President said during the ceremony honoring Will Swenson, “Moments like this, Americans like Will, remind us of what our country can be at its best -- a nation of citizens who look out for one another; who meet our obligations to one another, not just when it’s easy, but also when it’s hard. Maybe, especially when it’s hard.” Captain Swenson’s actions remind us all that we, at VA, are truly privileged to have the most noble of callings. Veterans deserve our strongest commitment to their well-being. Again, in welcoming all of you back to our team, let me express how very proud I am of your commitment and loyalty, even during the difficult, past several weeks. I am honored, each and every day, to serve with the dedicated and competent people of this Department. Sincerely, Eric K. Shinseki
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:44:30 +0000

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