Thank you Israel! For Love of God and mankind your Love & - TopicsExpress


Thank you Israel! For Love of God and mankind your Love & compassion came abroad, God made you the head and not the Tail God did it and that marvelous in our eyes! How youve tried to Protect the Children of the world you fought American Battle for us our Hope is in God ! Must come from you obedience to Obeying Gods Laws, you tried to designate Hamas Rockets before they could do any damage to anyone , I even heard it come abroad God would make Hamas rockets theyd Shot at Israel to stop in mid air & turn an go another way ! God had of done it, Bless God he is Good ! And his Judgments are Righteous ! Thank you for being your are Peace Makers! And Thanks You God for your Protection and deliverance, Protecting Israel now bless them back for being a blessing to the World, The Great Commission you sent us Christians in world to Israel Preached it in verity in obeying the Dietary Laws Certificating kosher labeling foods on the shelves in the groceries stores ! The Doctrine of Christ that we were weak in and lacked Israel carried Jesus Christ Cross Gospels Good News in Doctrine Israel did Minister it in Obedience to love you & were all have had a opportunity to be benefited & profited resulted in blessing the poor and the needy, those who are unlearned in the Holy Scripture; The thing you allow can destroy you! The Sting of sin is death the strength of sin is the laws of God ! Sin first reaps corruption in the flesh an afterwards death! The plowers plowed upon their backs made long their furrows ! Many people the Disabled , Social Security, Welfare, Widow, Dadless, Orphans, School Lunch Programs for the To poor to Pay for that are in the Working via my Petitioning those over that office! This is Speak that things I want as thou it were, to have them, to move that unhealthy loveless curse for disobeying the Laws of God, Mountain, to be case into the Sea, by all my U.S. Supreme Court Case No 13-8732 Et Al Petitioning; As well as those to My Senators & Congressman asking them to provide our Children with good food that good for them, just , holy, healthy for the little Children , Black Children so dont look like theyre having a stroke ,in theyre lowly station for Righteousness! So they can grow up and not have suffered Childhood obesity and its healthcare related Problems,, Low self esteem, Attitude Problems,as rebellious, Glucose Monitoring , Pig Insulin, Life long healthcare workers services expenses, facilities, rehabilitation, Surgeons Amputee, prosthetic Limbs,when one of these little one who believer in Jesus is curse in a sin thats against Gods laws the Stockmarket Dow has raised at the Close of the Day, were God gems for whom Christ Died ! And The Gospel is our Treasure when the believer learned the Holy Laws of God Doctrine then can ask for God to Forgive them and turn away from living any longer in that area they master their flesh over their belly they;ll be temperate in that area,of transgression against God Dietary Laws, then God is faithful and just to forgive them and heal them from all unrighteousness ! Dont be mocked what a man sows that also shall he reap! Sow to you flesh you will reap corruption so to the spirit youll reap everlasting life ! These two are contrary to one another you cant do the thing that you would so with my mind I serve the Laws of God and with my flesh sin Oh who will save me from this body of death I that God through Jesus Christ , I am fully persuaded I can do nothing of my own self but all things through Christ who strengths me! Israel Service to God done was done by Love for God, in Dietary Laws setting them people at liberty whom Satan had held as his captive prisoners Cursed under the Laws of God Dietary Law Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 30:19 Issiah 66 See God Bless your Courageous People Israel Faithful Love of God and fellow mankind !
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:18:47 +0000

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