Thank you Jack Kelly for this reminder... LEARN HOW TO QUIET - TopicsExpress


Thank you Jack Kelly for this reminder... LEARN HOW TO QUIET YOUR MIND, CALM YOUR EMOTIONS, AND RELAX YOUR BODY When your brain gets hi-jacked by anxious, angry, resentful, depressing, shame based, or fearful thoughts, practice the QRT, Quick Recovery Technique. ONE: Place one hand over your stomach. (You can skip this step if you are standing in front of your boss, your ex-wife or husband, and they are screaming at you.) TWO 1.Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly let it out through your mouth until your stomach is completely deflated, like a balloon; till there is no air left. 2.Now, take a slow deep breath in thorough your nose and mentally count to six; PAUSE, and let it out slowly through your mouth, mentally counting to 6, 8, 10 etc., until your stomach is completely deflated, like a balloon; till there is no air left. 3.Repeat this breathing exercise for one minute to deal with current negative emotions or three to five minutes if it’s part of your daily meditation practice. THREE 1.Let your body take over that slow, deep, breathing rhythm; no more counting your breaths. 2.Now, move your hand up from your stomach to your heart. 3.Focus all your attention on your heart. 4.Imagine that, as human beings, we don’t’ have lungs. We do all of our breathing in and out of our heart. 5.Using the power of your imagination, pick a positive feeling such as love, peace, hope, or gratitude. Let’s start with love. Give it a color. Imagine your whole body being surrounded by this deep, rich, and colorful aura of love. 6.As you breathe in, imagine your heart absorbing this love, like a sponge. 7.Next, get an image of someone you love and FEEL the love you have for them. It could be a person, series of people, or a pet. 8.Now, as you breathe out, imagine your heart pumping a river of love deep inside every muscle, tissue, and nerve cell of your body. As you continue breathing, see the faces of those you love. Continue to FEEL the love you have for them as this river of love moves deeper and deeper inside every muscle, tissue, and nerve cell in your body. Imagine your whole body radiating this light. 9.Set aside 20 minutes each morning to re-connect with the power of your breath and the power of your imagination. These are the “tuning forks” that Nature has bestowed on us. They enable us to quiet our minds, calm our emotions, and relax our bodies. Make the time - to nurture and develop that part of you which is so much more powerful than your addiction; so much more powerful than the obsessive thoughts, compulsive feelings, and physical cravings that have controlled and dominated your life.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:09:25 +0000

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