Thank you! John Diego John Diego 7 hours ago near Elsah, IL, - TopicsExpress


Thank you! John Diego John Diego 7 hours ago near Elsah, IL, United States THIS IS TO ALL THE MEN OUT THERE IN AFRICA AND THE WORLD. Please for once, can we not wake up and act with our manly senses??? Does abusing a woman verbally, physically, mentally, or in anyway other way makes you more of a man??? HELL NO!!! Let us get this right in our MIND! Making a woman feel powerless is NOT the reason you are here on the planet. We must refused to be locked up in pusillanimity and be defined by the demonstration of LOVE and WISDOM in all things. To the women out there in the world, we say we are sorry for all of our unmanliness. Please forgive us because we cannot live without you. We are simply incomplete without you. And today, we embrace your importance and we succumb to the TRUTH that there is no us without you. Once again, to the men, I say it is time for us to wake up from the dungeons of fear, powerlessness, abuse and express nothing but LOVE for the wonderful and ever beautiful women who have served as our mothers from the beginning of time. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THIS UNMANLY ACT. THIS DOES NOT DEPICT ANYTHING CLOSE TO THE LOVE AND THE RESECT THAT WE ARE MADE OFF!!! PLEASE LET US GO BACK TO LOVE, AND LOVE WITH NO LIMITS. Thank you!!!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 02:06:51 +0000

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