Thank you Joseph Rich for this long article but worth reading - TopicsExpress


Thank you Joseph Rich for this long article but worth reading about the subject of reincarnation! First and foremost before I begin, it is not my desire to denote or belittle anyones beliefs, just know that I am presenting information that has been guarded, verified, and held true, based on solid occult teachings of ancient Egypt, Chaldea, and most importantly Hermes Trismegistus. Re-incarnation is a great delusion. There are many seeming valid points that explain it, however based on research into the astral world by actual peoples, and the above teachings, it is never the less a fallacy. He who has ears, let him hear. The point of life, creation, of the universe, is so that we may grow, experience, and learn, so that in time we may return to our true home by our own effort, which is the real Garden of Eden, a place of perfect en-rapport with creator, and our other half otherwise known as our soul mate. ( I will get to that) In the beginning of our existence, we start off with Creator, but we are unaware. We have no intelligence, no brain, but we are infinite potential. We could be just like Creator, if we knew how, but we dont (not in this state). Thus, we must go through The Cycle of Necessity, in order to develop consciousness, in order to have that moment where you realize, Oh my gosh... Im alive, or in other words, I AM. We must traverse life all the way down the latter, and back up and be with Creator, in our true home, so that we may help continue existence. This is what Jesus was saying when he spoke of the prodigal son returning home, and the father was so overjoyed he slaughtered the best cow and rejoiced. His son had went through the hardships of the world, and he returned home, willingly. Luke 15:11-32. After this state, we are split into TWO, male and female, and we descend through the chain of spiritual realms; Celestial, spiritual, astral, and we commence into the material. All along the way we are gaining experiences. Our first birth into PHYSICAL existence is that as a MINERAL. It is the most basic rudimentary forms of matter. Then, after Eons have passed, with the life-wave of the planet, you move onto the VEGETABLE kingdom, thus living out various lifes in the next chain of life. Then comes ANIMAL. All along the way you are gaining experiences you are drawn too. So, some people may be drawn to more water elements, such as fish, water lillys, ect. Others may be drawn to fire elements, barren, hot, fiesty animals, Mars type energy. Others will be attracted to Earth energies, and others Air. Then, after Eons of experience, you are birthed into Man. The pinnacle of creation. And, all the experiences you have gathered, constitute your personality, and who you are, right at the moment you are born. This is why astrology is very important, because it shows us a map of our past. (Also, while this is happening your other half is acquiring Eons of experiences as well). The entire creation story of Genesis is actually an allegory of this, but that will take too long to explain. While we are here in Human form, we gain the most valuable experience. The moment of, I AM. What this means, is we recognize that we are indeed alive, that we can think, taste, touch, feel (emotions), hear, see, smell. This is what Creator intended. For us to be aware, for us to think, for us to grow. It is only by going through this cycle of existence that we come to Man, and the most beautiful gift of all, the idea of self. It is with this idea of self, and these feelings that are imbedded (literally) in our spirit that we feel a longing for something, and incompleteness. This hole that we feel is indeed real, and it is the longing to reunite with our other half, and return to our true home from whence we came, but this time, to be fully conscious, fully in control, fully perfect, and not dumb and innocent like we were when we first started. Thus, the star of David explains this, the downward pointing triangle represents our journey into Matter, to gain these experiences, and the upward pointing triangle is the journey of our soul on its way back home. The middle is where we are now, Man. What Reincarnation does is present us with this idea that whatever bad we do, will be fixed in the next life. Likewise whatever good will carry over as well. Now, this does sound logical and all, but at the same time it does not. We will use the Law of Correspondence to explain. If you are not familiar look up The Emerald tablets of Hermes. A seed is planted in soil. It is watered, takes root, grows slowly, and after many years becomes a Great Oak tree. This tree now has the ability to give life to numerous other trees via seed droppings. Soon though, the tree will wither, and will decay and rot. As we observe this, we notice one thing, the tree does NOT become a seed again. If it did, we would have ample suggestion for reincarnation based upon the laws of nature. Furthermore, when you are an old man, do you reverse in age, and return to your mothers womb? Or does a cloud keep the same form? No, it dissipates entirely and a new cloud forms. In life all things are transitory, and passing. Thus Jesus did say Do not store treasures on Earth, but in Heaven where neither thieves can break in. (Close enough) The important analogy I am trying to draw is that true occult students (students of the universe) do not listen to anyone if their teaching does not follow the laws of nature. Why? Because nature is a reflection of Creators mind. And As above so Below. All things you see in nature are patterns, and designs created by Creator. Just like a ladder, there are many levels, and we continue to climb. There are many stories of people having experiences of past lives, and by all means these are very explainable, once you understand higher occult teachings. You must understand that the physical world is a reflection of the astral world. In the astral plane thoughts are instant, and the manifest. On Earth we can find places that bridge the gap with the astral, and this is why we sometimes see ghosts, and have paranormal experiences. It is the lower astral realm. When people, or young children know stuff about a past life, it is because they are sensitive (mediums), and the astral thought forms of the passed person, or event can be easily picked up by that individual on the physical plane. Its like some people are good at basketball, or exceptional writers. Some people can tune into the astral world more easily. To wrap this up the reason I wrote this incredibly long statement is to shed light on this topic that is tossed around in the new age community. Remember, it was created by oriental priests way back in the day. Nature is your best guide always, and the great sages of the world knew that. You are an infinite soul, and your purpose is to grow and perfect yourself, to perform a job for the universe to help continue creation, and to return to your real home. You are not going to keep coming back, unaware of your past life, and karma, and repeating over and over and over. Rather, you will go upward, face your karma of this life head on, work it out, and ascend to new, infinitely beautiful realms, forever and ever. Like the alchemist turning minerals into Gold. You are seeking to expand your spiritual body so that you may truly be immortal. I hope this tickled some brains, and touches home. If you are interested I urge you to read, The Light of Egypt Volume 1 and 2, by Thomas H. Burgoyne. If you are further interested visit May the Lord of Life be with you on your path. Much love brothers and sisters,
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 19:00:46 +0000

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