********* Thank you Lara said givng some naira notes to a - TopicsExpress


********* Thank you Lara said givng some naira notes to a cab driver. She took a deep breathe, and glanced around her. The magnificent church was standing before her. She had brought her case to God. She muttered a silent prayer before knocking. Come in. pastor Wilson said from within Good morning Pastor Wilson. she flexed her knee. Morning sister...please sit! Lara sat on a chair facing him, clutching at her hand bag. You came to see me? Pastor wilson asked. Yes pastor, My name is Omolara Popoola.. Lara began. Omolara Popoola? You mean Lara the daughter of late Deacon Popoola? Pastor Wilson asked in suprise. Yes sir. Lara smiled. Wow...how are you? How have you been? he looked pleased. Fine sir... God is great! Youre married now? he gestured at her wedding band. Yes sir,...thats why I came... Is anything the matter? Pastor wilson sensed all is not well. Lara told him about her troubles, shedding tears in the process. He looked touched by her story. Its well, God is with you. he told her. After praying with her, he gave her some Bible verses to read, before asking her to fast for just a day. Sister Lara, If you must fast; your faith in God would determine how your answer will be. he told her. I have faith Pastor. Lara assured him. Not just in the mouth but from the heart...and mind you, you must go back to your matrimonial home! he told her. No...But... she frowned. You must go back there! he said firmly. Okay, thank you... she didnt look happy. Take care Lara, God is with you. he waved her off. ::::::: ******* ::::::: Lara walked into her home, she felt nervous when she walked into the sitting room. I thought you aint gonna come back. sophia sneered. Im back! Lara said, before walking into her room. Shes got no time to start quarelling with Sophia now, its almost time for her to break her fast. She was in a kneeling position, rounding up her prayers when she heard a commotion in the sitting room. She paused absent mindedly to listen...Sophia was quarelling with somebody...perh aps Tony. She ended her prayer in a hurry and tip-toed out of her room. What she saw made her jaw drop. You have no right to ask me who im looking for! Amara- Tonys mother shot at Sophia. You cant walk in like that! This isnt your home! sophia fired back. Just then Amara noticed Laras presence. Lara? Welcome ma. Lara knelt down to greet her. Whos this uncultured woman? Your maid? she gestured towards Sophia. Errrm..Lara began. Sophia, meet ...ermm..Tonys mother, and ma please meet, Sophia- Tonys errmm... Lara stuttered. So it is true?! Amara exclaimed. Just then Tony came back from wherever he went. Mum? What are you doing here? he asked suprised letting his breifcase drop. What am I doing here? So what I heard is true? So its true that youve been maltreating Lara? That you even brought your mistress into your matrimonial home? Amara shrieked. Tony bent his head, he knew he was in trouble. So this is what youve turned into? A Dog? Amara yelled. I know what to do...Im calling your father right away! She threatened picking her phone. No no no..please mum, dont do that...Id be in trouble if you call dad...Sophia is leaving right away..Il turn a new leaf... Tony held her hand pleadingly. He walked into the guest room, appeared carrying Sophias bag. Sophia, leave now! he shoved the dumb-founded Sophia towards the exit. You too, go and bring your bag, youre coming with me! Amara told Lara who was silent. But...ma... Laras eyes widened. I say go and bring your bag, I cant leave you here with this beast! What if he murders you! Amara shrieked. Mum..please dont take her away. Tony pleaded. Try to stop me! she glared at him, dragging Lara out of the house; with her bags and all. ************ WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE 8
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:59:53 +0000

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