Thank you Mike ! - TopicsExpress


Thank you Mike ! Well written ! Michael Burns shared a link via Truthout. 3 hours ago Another veteran and I were just having this conversation. The only war this country has fought since WWII that had any logical reason is Afghanistan (maybe Kuwait, but Im on the fence about that one). Rummy and Darth Cheney screwed up Afghanistan by sending all the troops that belonged there to that other country, uh, uh, oh yeah, Iraq. There is no thanks due for having fought in Vietnam as I and the guy who just left did. There is no honor in being part of the hegemony that substitutes for American foreign policy. We fought for each other, trying get one another home to the world, and I know the guys who went into Fallujah and Tikrit and everywhere else they fought in Iraq fought for their friends. We did not fight to protect our country from the Vietnamese, they werent getting ready to invade the US anymore than the Iraqis were coming to our shores. Vietnam was the result of Secty of State John Foster Dulles Domino Theory, which was a self-fulfilling prophecy conjured up by a war criminal and his brother, who was head of the CIA. Iraq was fought for Chevron and Halliburton, not to protect our shores, and every death that occurred there was a crime brought about by the neo-cons. Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush...they all should be tried for war crimes. And McNamara, Johnson, Kissinger, Nixon and Dulles before them, should have been made to stand in the dock before a war crimes tribunal. So, while I understand and appreciate the sentiment of my friends who thank me for my service, the fact is we who protested the war when we returned deserve your thanks and we owe our veterans an apology for sending them into harms way unnecessarily. Its embarassing to be thanked for what we did to Vietnam, what has been done in Iraq, to Grenada, to Panama and every other little country weve bullied. As our countrys infrastructure begins to fail, and income inequality grows, two amongst the many travesties being foisted on us by the fanatics on the right, we, as a country, are beginning to reap what we have sown. It didnt have to be this way. There may even be time to correct the failure of empire, but time is short, and any correction will require our coming to terms with the truth. In the way that Mandela brought truth commissions to South Africa, we need to seek redemption.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 03:22:04 +0000

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