Thank you Mother Nature... As we all so vividly recall, we had a - TopicsExpress


Thank you Mother Nature... As we all so vividly recall, we had a bit of an earthquake last Friday... And this am, just as Im shaving (trimming the sideburns a bit), we get a little aftershock bump... Not a huge one, but just enough of a jolt to cause my electric trimmer to slide right up the side of my head... Now I look like I have a little runway for tiny little planes on the side of my head.... As I am verbally sputtering to myself, Judy brings in her clippers and scissors to mitigate the matter... Well this didnt go too well, and I hollared something like screw it - and proceeded to shave my head.... First time ever, and I must say, not a pretty picture. Oh no... Bump or two here, a mole or two there... Not a good look for Big Daddy Al. Now I am faced with the ultimate dilemma - a hair hat (toupee) or a hat hat.... The next voice I hear is Judy empathically stating, NO, you are NOT wearing one of THOSE!... So the throw rug is out and a hat hat it shall be (classy & one I can wear whenever I am out of the house - yes, even at work)..... Now, do you think Temecula would have a hat store... Noooooooooo..... So its off to San Diego and a visit to the Village Hat Shop on 4th Avenue... I have it on good authority that if anyone knows hats - its the folks at the Village Hat Shop... PS: the moustache stays!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:02:10 +0000

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