Thank you, Republicans, conservatives, and the US congress for - TopicsExpress


Thank you, Republicans, conservatives, and the US congress for making sure that I have the freedom to die. You dont want me to have health care. You dont care if I make enough money to live, no matter how hard I work. If I serve the country in the armed forces, you dont even care if I eat, and you certainly dont care one iota about my state of mind. You say you care about life, but then you cut food assistance for children while you increase payouts to defense contractors. I see your pro-fetus stance as the vote-getting gimmick it is. You want to cut education, and privatize prisons. One could wonder if this is to ensure a never ending stream of slave labor for you to exploit. On your first day in office, you want to start dismantling social security. You do understand that all of us paid real money into social security and you are simply stealing it, right? But then, there are studies to show that most of the 1% dont have any problem with stealing - only being stolen from. That was our retirement money - at least part of it. Now what? I really sincerely want to thank you for reaffirming the very real message that we are all on our own, and any thoughts we have of actually fixing anything or improving our lot in life can certainly be put on hold for now, unless we happen to be among the fortunate few - very, very few. I also thank you for taking away the hope of the future or the desire to plan. When one has only more bad, or even worse, to look forward to, then planning past today is simply a painful exercise in disappointment - and right now that is exactly how far too many Americans see their reality. What you are doing is making some Hail Mary play to try to appeal to a dying demographic, with the desire to run as quickly as possible backwards into a fantasy where Ronald Reagan rides horses all the time and smiling people refine oil and strip-mine for coal. The personal freedoms that you seem to laud so frequently disappear when a person doesnt have any choices. And a person in poverty who is simply struggling to live, in the richest country in the history of humanity, doesnt have any choices. What is left, it seems to me, is the freedom to die. Of course, that has to be a natural death - anything else is an abomination, right? Luckily for you, starvation is natural. So is death from cancer - never mind that you lived across the street from a hospital. You may as well have lived 1000 miles from the hospital. So again, thank you all for the freedom to slowly, agonizingly die as we collectively watch our resources evaporate - while just a very, very few become richer than most of us can even conceive of. Your policies will not only destroy this country, but also the world. If all of us survive the next 50 years, I am very confident in predicting you will absolutely be on the wrong side of history.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 21:10:54 +0000

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