Thank you Rob, Possie! How do you doing? RV not just posting on - TopicsExpress


Thank you Rob, Possie! How do you doing? RV not just posting on FB to turn faces red to blue Cause RV possesses not the heart to breakaway and see you ignored While the rest of Dominica is embracing the refreshing change We post stuff on FB the whole night through Saying what the government should do or what we’d do The regular loyals with RV.. get mad and blue But by the next day, we are all friends, Loving Possie in body and SPIRIT too Chaddy and Snikki get a little upset But RV’s emotions is under control while minds get tired Stressing on the need for change in Possie...Snikki getting mad as blue Constantly contemplating and discussing with Chad what do we do They keep jumping over Ashton’s low fence to take action on RV Even the engineer Asif fed-up with RV too Keep saying that they are leaving But we know they are just bluffing Because of their tremendous love for their beloved Possie Poor RV ..Whats a girl to do? When she just cant let it go So easy to say that youre leaving But harder to ignore the feeling We both know we dont want nobody else but RV on PV So lets stop Chadifying, Snikkifying and playing games And though we keep on trying Undo the things we do Headspace and distractions Are not keeping RV on PV and from you We cant believe that we let all this time go by And managed to treat each other so unkind Emotions we allow to dictate the pace For there are things politics would not allow and can’t erase We cant help it..we can’t let it go So easy for Snikki and Chad to say that they are not commenting anymore on PV But harder to ignore that feeling of logging on to PV and reading or listening. They all know that they can’t do without PV Especially with Rob on Jazz playing BLUE (IM STILL HERE WITH YOU)- INCOGNITO While RV enjoys the soothing melody in the shadows Concealing an identity everyone wants to know Under the name Roseau Valley ..avoiding notice or attention So lets stop playing games RV is stressing, RV is blue and want Chad, Snikki and Possie to be too Whats a girl to do? RV stressing and being blue But still RV is here with you It is easy to say that youre leaving But harder to ignore the feeling We know we dont want nobody else, but RV on PV So let the Jazz flow and lets stop playing and getting all BLUE Thank you know that in other forums you do the same to.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:58:36 +0000

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