Thank you Ron and Mr Ambassador for this message. Missile - TopicsExpress


Thank you Ron and Mr Ambassador for this message. Missile strike? Wow, over oil prices, sounds like the US. Humanity truly does stand on the brink of war, and all for the sake of cabal control under the flag of ignorance of the people. This is a sick and dangerous game. Thank God we have heros like The Ambassador and others to combat this. I was previously against these repurposing reeducation facilities but I am beginning to see the necessity of them. However, we cannot have the same thing happen around the world as the communist take over in China; where doctors become janitors and wealth is seized and redistributed. Such an agenda push WOULD cause World War 3. This has to be a delicate surgical procedure and not one that causes the general populous to fight back. I dont have all the answers on this topic but just a warning that we dont want the people to revolt. In terms of unifying or doing away with religions, that may be an impossible feat. The mindset of every human is different. You have to realize that one of the greatest things a person will fight for is their promise of salvation. Doing away with religion would most definitely create mini crusades and holy wars, lets not forget our past here. In terms of demon possession or the scientifically proven mentally ill, yes we should have psychological evaluations for those in power position, ones that are taken seriously. I dont know the criteria for such a test but it would have to be one which cannot be bamboozled. Just my opinion on that. In terms of tooth fairies and Mickey Mouse logic, yes the populous has been conditioned to believe from an early childhood through this form of education just about anything. This has proven toxic to free thought and has hardened the cabal control structure. This is where the reeducation could come into play. We need real, unbiased news and history world round. Science that is not restricted by belief systems, only humane ones. Law that is fair and justified. Ect. I know that I have also been accused of being part of this Mickey Mouse club logic with the Thuban group before, but it is different. It is not a cult or brainwashing, it is just a group of spiritual scholars who want to know the nature of the universe. My experiences which I have posted before have all been designed to either help other or help myself through cycling through my ideas. I hope people understand this. I am not always right, I am not always wrong, I just am. Fates De Whynot
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:43:03 +0000

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