Thank you Tara Maria Brown for your words of wisdom!!! This is - TopicsExpress


Thank you Tara Maria Brown for your words of wisdom!!! This is a repost from the amazing Tara Maria Brown: Alright all you Omni newbies who are getting ready to start your first round! I am starting my FOURTH round tomorrow so I thought I would give you some advice: Remember the 4 Ps: Preparation: You dont have to prep your meals ahead of time, but I pre portion my proteins AS SOON as I get home from the grocery store. I weigh my protein and put it in individual ziplocs and place half in the fridge and half in the freezer. The reason preparation is so important is you never know what your week could hold. Something could come up and you only have 15 min to cook, eat and get out the door. Instead of NOT EATING beacuse you dont have time and then CHEATING later that night because you had no other option at whatever function you were invited to, you can just throw it in a pan and be done. A lot of people choose to cook their food ahead of time or just have at least one or two meals already cooks and ready to go in case. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I cannot stress this enough. Protocol: This is a no brainer but I feel that it must be stated. STICK TO PROTOCOL! Omni is like pregnancy. You are pregnant or no. No in between. Same with the drops program. It is all based on science. If you follow protocol you will lose. If you dont you wont. This works for 100% of humans. So if you say it doest work, get back on your space ship and go back to your home planet. Plenty of water: This is something my mom has been nagging me about my whole life. Now 27 years later, I get it. DRINK DRINK DRINK. This makes sure your body is properly hydrated, keeps everything moving and ACCELERATES your weight loss. Just do it and youll be glad you did. You cannot drink too much water. Products: Omni has SO many amazing products way beyond losing weight. These products are the best of the best and are designed to make you healthy all the way around. Talk to your distributor and add products to help you. Omni IV for total health, Charge for energy, remind for focus, nite lite for sleep and extra fat burn, JAVA for fat burn and a boost of feel good. Can you have success with just the drops, sure why not? But what is this really about? HEALTH. Omni will not only give you the weight loss you so desire, but Omni will give your life back! Besides that a few extra tid bits: 1. read pounds and inches. 2. anytime you are tempted to vary from protocol remember you deserve this and you are worth more than any food 3. Enjoy the process, you didnt gain it overnight and you wont lose it overnight (although omni makes it go a lot faster)
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:27:50 +0000

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