Thank you, Vincent Ortega, Jr., Mark Hoverson, Clifton - TopicsExpress


Thank you, Vincent Ortega, Jr., Mark Hoverson, Clifton Hatfield When the student is ready, the teacher appears. For me, life is one big gratitude experience. From the time my kids were very young, we have ended our days by naming things we’re grateful for from the day. But I like to set aside November--because of Thanksgiving, a holiday I believe deserves more time and attention-- I set aside November to express gratitude with even more fervor than usual. So, today, I thank Vincent Ortega, Jr. , Mark Hoverson, and Clifton Hatfield. Here’s why: Have you ever found yourself wandering around? It feels aimless, but deep inside, you have a purpose. Your Self hasn’t communicated that purpose to your conscious mind, but it’s there; it’s what keeps you wandering because you haven’t yet found the place that fits. I’d been wandering for a while, always enjoying where I was, learning all the time in this crazy new world called the internet. I’m just now starting to get comfortable calling myself an internet marketer. Along the way, I met some fantastic people, tried their programs. They just didn’t resonate with me at the time. I kept plugging, starting here, starting there, scattering my attention and my finances til June of this year when a friend invited me to look at the Internet Lifestyle Network. I needed an excellent, beautiful blog and I needed support for that blog. I wanted a community. I craved training. Teach me how, please. I love to learn from people. You can drop me into the ocean and say, Swim...and I’ll get to shore, but I want to do more than just get there. I want to excel. And I want to do with a group of people around that I like and who like me. I was looking for integrity and authenticity. I am today on day 70 of my 100 day video challenge and I decided to assess where I am. Vincent Ortega, Jr.’s challenge was this: Do a video every day for 100 days, follow all my directions and if you don’t make a sale in some area of your interest, I’ll give you $100. I knew from the get-go that the challenge for me was all about training and developing. I’ve learned I was right on target. I’ve learned a ton--about internet marketing, for sure, and also about myself. As often happens with me, I know I’ve learned because now I realize how much I don’t know! Which is good. Because I’m committed to putting one foot in front of the other again and again and again. What specific things have I learned? Let me preface my answer by saying that I’ve learned a great deal from Vincent and Mark’s training and from Clifton’s support. I’ve also learned from my ILN family and friends. Here we go--in random order-- I’ve learned: --that I am right to trust my instincts. I felt from the first time I was introduced to Vincent that what you see is what you get--He is enthusiastic, committed, focused, genuine...the real deal if you will. --that I am a procrastinator par excellence. Well, actually, I already knew that. But during my 1st two million dollar days with Mark Hoverson, I had to acknowledge and take responsibility for how my procrastination has negatively impacted my family. Not a fun place to be in, but exceptionally valuable if I’m to grow and change that self-defeating habit. --I’ve learned to persist. Again, I’ve always been persistent, but in the past, it was with things that I knew, that I was comfortable with, and good at. THIS is brand new for me-all this technology, all this internet stuff, but I keep plugging and I’ve learned and I keep learning! --how to use the widgets on wordpress --how to add a counter to wordpress --how to create a blog post that SEO understands --how to stay with what I want until I get it-- If that were the only lesson, it would be enough. I’ve learned --how to tag people on FB, including how to delete their last name! --how to upload a video to FB --how to standardize my YouTube tags so I don’t have to retype them each and every time I do a video. --I’ve learned how to create an event on FB and invite everyone all at once --I’ve learned how to search among my friends for their interests so I can connect with them about a specific topic --I’ve learned how to behave as though the thing I’m seeking is already done. Let me share something with you: When I went to the live event in August, I was nervous and scared--so far out of my comfort zone that I could have been on another planet. I’ve done live events. I used to present to lots of people at live events. But this was different. And, I put those feelings to the side and focused all my energy on being my best me to the people I met. It was very freeing. Friends have commented that in the photos from the event, I’m glowing. Of course, I am. I stepped waaaayy outside my comfort zone and I centered myself and I stayed believing in me and letting that me shine. It also helped me feel good that I helped a friend get there. And the people around me celebrated that. Basically, I’ve applied the tenets of my yoga and ayurveda practices and positive thinking and faith to my ILN experience. And the key? I was ready for my next teacher. I was ready for the Internet Lifestyle Network and all the people and all the ideas and work connected to ILN success. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Are you ready? I’m here when you are. Whatever you do, do it with joy. ©PaulaStrupeckGardner, 2013
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 20:39:50 +0000

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