Thank you all again for coming to Queenies service- I was blown - TopicsExpress


Thank you all again for coming to Queenies service- I was blown away at the amount of love and support that was there. I know a lot of people in this group unfortunately couldnt make it, and many of those who did come couldnt hear our speeches because the room was so packed and overflowing. I have pasted my speech below for you to read and share. Thank you again for all the support, it means everything to us. Queenies Eulogy Queenie was a planner. There are very few things that you can be certain about in life. Life is unpredictable, and you just have to roll with the challenges that come your way. Queenie knew this, and somehow managed to plan around every single hurdle, always making sure to keep up with her close friends between her full time plus schedule of work and school. I knew that if I wanted to see her, I’d have to contact her by the first few days of the week, or she’d be booked full with adventures to go on, with a different friend every weekend. At any given time, she had multiple trips scheduled to see Ben, visit Philly, or just get away for a weekend with Hailey. She wasn’t one to forget details, either. I’m going off to college next year, and before I even knew where I would be living she had already gotten me a shower caddy and instructed--not reminded, but instructed-- me to buy shower sandals. She asked me how I wanted my hair done for prom before I even asked her to help--or even before my boyfriend asked me to prom, for that matter. Thanksgiving and christmas dinner prep were planned down to 15 minute increments of when things had to go into the oven. Whenever I baked with her, there was always an open tupperware ready to be sent off to Ben holding the nicest looking cookies, while we laughed and talked over the less perfect ones. As of today, I’ve seen countless people share their stories about knowing Queenie on Facebook, and almost every single person who knew her mentioned her unwavering ability to live life to the very fullest. She somehow had the secret to happiness, and just being around her made you realize she was the physical representation of joy. She accomplished some amazing things during her life and her time with us was absolutely saturated with goodness, but the most tragic thing about losing her is that there was so much ahead that she had in store for herself. Queenie knew what her future was going to look like. The hardest part of letting her go is never knowing what she could have and would have become, but please find comfort with me in knowing that Queenie made sure we didn’t have to imagine. Being the planner that she was, she told us exactly what her life was going to be like. So today, with Ben and Anita’s permission, let me share with you Queenie’s biggest plan so far: her wedding. As those of you who are Facebook friends with Queenie know, Queenie was in the bridal party of her fair share of weddings, and attended a huge number more. The one wedding that she never got a save the date to was her own. That’s not to say that it wasn’t planned, though. Over the past year and seven months, we’ve watched Queenie’s already bubbly spirits blow through the roof. She made it very clear that Ben was the love of her life, and the short time they got to spend together was bursting at the seams with joy and selfies. And Queenie had already planned their wedding. Like most girls, she knew exactly what kind of ring she wanted, but being Queenie, she took it one step further, telling her friends and family just in case Ben needed any assistance. Their engagement pictures were going to be taken at Piedmont High- her and Ben’s alma mater. Ben was going to wear his varsity letterman jacket from high school and Queenie wanted to make sure there were at least a couple shots of her wearing the jacket. She wanted the wedding to be tree themed- their first dates had been hikes on various trails in the Bay Area, and she grew to adopt hiking as a stress relieving hobby. Consequently, the color scheme would be forest green and the table assignments were going to be the names of different kinds of trees. Queenie’s favorite color was purple, but she had gone to enough weddings to know how to stand out. Continuing on the forest theme, she’d wanted to get married in the middle of the woods, but eventually accepted that that wasn’t going to work in terms of space because of how many people were going to be there. She knew it was going to be a huge wedding, since our family is so big and there were so many people who she wanted to see her special day. Queenie always told me that I’d be in her wedding. I’m certain that Hailey would’ve been standing up there with her, too, along with Roz, Sandy, and Lauren. We’d all have bouquets of peonies, her favorite flowers. Her thoughtfulness would have shown through that day in the form of a funny story or memory behind every decoration, every song played, every dessert served. Queenies plans didn’t end at her wedding. She wanted kids- a girl and then a boy. Having watched me and my brother grow, she wished that her children would interact the same way, but either way she knew they would love each other no matter what. It was uncertain where she and Ben would end up, but she mentioned Austin, Texas more than just in passing. I could go on and on- about the dog they would have (a Boston terrier named sir Walter Digglesbury), her kids, her relationship with ben, with my family, with me- she knew it all. I wish I could have seen her make all her planned adventures come true. Queenie, I am so proud to be your Mini Me. I will never stop looking up to you as the big sister in my life. If you’re listening, just know that you took such good care of me. Thank you for coming this far with me- I guess I have to take it from here. I’ll never forget your advice- I’ll live life to the fullest and always have shower sandals, so please don’t worry about either one of those. This is goodbye for now, but when I see you again we’ll go kayaking like we planned and make Thanksgiving dinner like we do every year. Take care of Popo and Gong Gong and I’ll take care of your family here. I promise I’ll make you proud. I love you mega me.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:58:02 +0000

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