Thank you all for praying for Emmi last night and today. She is - TopicsExpress


Thank you all for praying for Emmi last night and today. She is most definitely a fighter and isn’t going down without a fight. She slept soundly once Dr. Shiplov administered valium. About 12:45am Blayne arrived home and she gave him kisses, tail wagging, wobbled outside and tinkled and then back inside and after lots of loving, she settled and slept. This morning she got up and while still wobbly, she ate, drank, pottied and seemed to be doing well. Within an hour she seemed to be getting a little more unstable and by then we were already heading to the vet. James was kind enough to meet us there and had her checked in so our wait wouldn’t be so long. Blood was drawn and her levels, for the most part were good. There is some progression of the disease but not enough to suggest the reason for the seizures or to consider EU. For now, it’s a huge speed bump. The thought is that she may have developed a secondary condition, Epilepsy, or the antibiotic she is currently on (Prescribed by her specialist) has a rare side effect that can cause seizures with prolonged use. So today the plan is to switch her antibiotic, she is going to stay at the clinic for fluids to help with coagulation. Blayne will go by and see her at 12:30 to do her lunch time feeding (because keeping her on her schedule is what has gotten us this far and its clearly working, Dr Shiplov was very pleased). He is going to monitor her all day and Blayne and I will pick her up at 6:30 when Dr. Shiplov gets ready to leave. We are reviewing and will likely start her on an anticonvulsive that is safe for her liver and should help prevent any more seizures and or the grand mal seizures. He is also going to send him valium should something happen as that really did help. I know Emmi’s secondary parents locally, James and Sheryl and Shellie were all on standby should Emmi not have decided to fight. Right now we go back to evaluating quality daily based on eating, drinking, recognition of her favorite people, and her ability to eliminate. Right now she is doing all of those in spades! So it’s the glimmer of hope that we continue our battle. We all know its not a matter of “IF” but a matter of “When” and right now Emmi is making it clear that she isn’t giving up and has a lot to continue to live for. Definitely knocked the wind out of all of our sails considering over the last month she played, ran and acted like a normal BC. This speed bump reminded us that she is still fragile but not giving up. HUGE HUGE thanks to Dr Overton (who talked to me on the phone every hour for half the night); to everyone who sent text messages that I could read to Emmi to cheer her on, to those who posted addressed and phone numbers to 24 hr pharmacies for valium, to Alissa for keeping me on the phone and making sure I got to the ER vet safe had I gone, to Dr Shiplov and Vet tech Tyler who came to my house at 10:30pm to assess Emmi’s condition and help determine whether it was time, to Shellie for calling on our app for Hank, to Elizabeth for calling the woman to do the home visit in Layfayette, to James for being at the clinic first thing this morning as moral support, to everyone who has been praying and sending messages of support to Emmi, I know I may be leaving someone out so please forgive me as we are exhausted and our brains are just not working very well right now. I have been reading each and every note to Emmi and I can tell you she does understand and kisses me after each one, her way to say THANK YOU. Please take a moment and hug your dogs and your fosters. Their time with us is ever slow fragile whether they appear healthy or not. Take Emmi’s gift of teaching us to live every day to the fullest and enjoy every moment because it can change in the blink of an eye and no matter who you are, you can never be fully prepared.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:51:00 +0000

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