Thank you all for the incredible birthday wishes! Its been quite - TopicsExpress


Thank you all for the incredible birthday wishes! Its been quite a day! 6:45am wake up and remember its 50s day at NBS 6:46am hear Michael Perkins say that he found Evangelines backpack soaking WET on top of the lawn mower outside. Greaaaattttt! 6:47am wake up the kids and scramble to make costumes. 6:55am retrieve old scarf from closet and have husband begin cutting out the shape of a poodle while I dig through Evangelines closet to find 50s clothes. 6:58am start safety-pinning ribbon to Evangelines shirt (for a poodle leash) 7:01am smell smoke in the house 7:02am see husband running to the oven to retrieve flaming notebooks that he apparently placed in the oven to dry out 7:03am open all doors of the house as the smoke billows out 7:06am. Realize Im still not dressed 7:07am safety pin a poodle-like creature that looks more like an amoeba to my daughters skirt 7:11am see son walk out in a white undershirt with a huge stain on the front to which both he and his father say its okay :/ 7:12am pull out all clothes from my sons dresser-----no white shirt found. 7:13am turn his closet upside down and YES! I found a stainless white shirt 7:15am. Kids are dressed!!!! Hallelujah! 7:16am. What?! You want your HAIR fixed too?!!!??! 7:17am. Throw Evangelines hair up in a ponytail and put a glop of gel on mastons head and tell him to rub it in, and slick it back! 7:20am pajamas are appropriate work attire, right?! 7:24am. Grab the nearest clothes and throw them on... Oh wait, I wore this Wednesday! 7:27am change shirts and go! 7:30am. Ponytail day for me too! 7:32am take one swipe of the toothbrush and run! 7:33am. What? You didnt know that all your books and your lunch needed to be packed and ready to go before we get in the car?! 7:36am finish getting lunches and (non-baked) books packed up 7:38am buckle up and hold on cause mom is throwing some gravel on her way outta the drive way. 7:40am. What?! Youre kidding me! No wedding ring! Im gonna look like a total floooosy today! 7:45 am. apply clown-like makeup 7:50am... That light was orange, right! ;) 7:58am watch kids skid across the concrete as I throw them out of the car and yell an apology to the teachers that we baked the books! 8:xx am run into work looking like a mad woman. 9:00am. Okay.... Relax.... Youve Returned all urgent emails and have started to get into the groove of the day 10:00am had 3 visitors stop by to tell me happy birthday, how nice of them. 10:30am. Today may turnout okay after all 10:45am. husband bursts into office with a saw blade hanging out of his leg and covered in blood! 10:47am. Oh, ha, ha! Happy birthday we tricked you! 11:15. My husband is dead when I get home, but in the meantime The girls from the office want to take me to lunch. 11:30 enjoy a nice meal and anxiously awaiting a molten lava cake! Yum! 12:00. Oh wait?! Whats that I hear?!?!? No!!!! NoOooooOoooooo!!!!!!! Theres rumbling coming from the back of the restaurant and 4 employees (who should probably be in school at this time of day) come barreling out of the kitchen and joyfully lead half of the restaurant in a cheerful rendition of happy birthday to me! How nice. :/ By this time its just noon and I cant take anymore! Im done! Happy stinkin birthday! Thank God you only come once a year!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:25:25 +0000

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