Thank you all my wonderful friends and family for being so - TopicsExpress


Thank you all my wonderful friends and family for being so concerned about me for not being here the last couple of days. I have had so much on my mind, and a medicine change as well. I have been sleeping a LOT. I will be going home this week, and so I will be seeing my dad, who is not doing so well, so I have been meditating a lot, preparing myself for that. IT will also be a happy time as my nephews will be turning 5-and 20, 1 day apart they are. My doctor at my request switched me back to neurontin. from the lyrica as it was making me kind of dizzy in the higher dose, the problem is the other makes me so sleepy it makes it hard to function. So I have slept for almost two days straight. Not to mention my hand is numb again on that drug and the numb and burning pain had completely gone away on the lyrica. I would rather deal with being a bit dizzy, and have a functioning hand than deal with what I have the last 4 days.I like being able to type, make jewelry and just be able to LIVE fairly normally. So i am going to call her tomorrow and ask her to switch me back, maybe on a lower doze. Hopefully the neurologist that she is referring me to can find the cause. I just dont worry about it, and go on with my days LIve in the present and Be thankful for what you have and the health you do have. thE Goddess wants me here for a reason, and I am thankful for each day. most of all I am thankful for each one of you. Thank for your love, and caring. Know that I think of each of you and l love you all even when I am not around. I hope you All had a wonderful Sunday Filled with Bright blessings. I wish you all love and light. I did spend a lot of yesterday evening downloading a lot of new pictures ;) So I will have some new goodies for everyone when I get back on, but for now I am going to rest, said this medicine kind of makes me tired, and it will be at least tomorrow before I can switch back. Love you all dearly. May the goddess watch over and bless you all. ~~Deirdre~~
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 23:45:08 +0000

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