Thank you, dear friends, for your empathy and kindness. Its a - TopicsExpress


Thank you, dear friends, for your empathy and kindness. Its a great comfort knowing that your hearts, our hearts, are big enough to encompass all the wondrous creatures who share our lives. Im not entirely certain that my cat, Andy, will live through the night. He is sleeping now, with shallow breathing, and Im hoping he will slip away softly so as to avoid a traumatic ride to the clinic in the morning. He still manages a weak purr when I pet him, and from time to time he awakens and wobbles to sit with me when I move to my computer desk. Nancie came to visit and say her goodbyes. Shell return in the morning, and remind me of the first day Andy arrived as a kitten more than 15 years ago. Well talk again about how he would fetch toys for as long as we would play the game, then amuse himself by pushing toys down the stairs, retrieving them and repeating again and again. Ill bury Andy between our horses, Jack and Winston, not far from dogs Molly and Lilly, cat Samantha, a parrot named Raven, and an assortment of well-named chickens that shared our lives in this special place. A young pine tree grows strong in soil mixed with my brothers ashes. They are all here, my family, dug into a hillside where I can look out from my upper porch and see deer, fox, a skittish woodchuck, and an occasional coyote pass by. In the darkenss tonight the hill is covered by fireflies. The fireflies are perfect. They bring to mind the Hindu concept of the atman, the spark of the divine that dwells in all things. Too, they remind me that we are all created from the stuff of stars, every molecule forged in the caudron of creation some billions of years ago, We are stardust and stardust is immortal. At death our atoms and our energy disperse and begin again in lives yet to be. Reincarnation is a scientific fact. Conservation of matter. A cat is a dog is a boy is a flower is a fish is a bug is a star. We were assembled from the many and return to the many. Absolute fact. We are alone now, Andy and I, and I look at him every few moments. With eyes clouded and a trembling voice, I share with him what Ive written here. I speak aloud, to Andy, my dear friend.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:58:59 +0000

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