Thank you everyone for pointing out some of the posts by the Vote - TopicsExpress


Thank you everyone for pointing out some of the posts by the Vote NO group (fyi, I can see them I just cannot comment, however I choose not to read them most of the time). This is the exact reason one site for both sides to state facts wont work. Vote NO recently posted that they implore both sides to stop the bickering etc. However, where exactly is the bickering from our side? I look at our site and dont see any bickering or negativity or mention of their most outspoken supporters and then look at their 3 sites (yes 3) (funny how people complain that they are blocked from the TBOTOS site when in fact most of our supporters were blocked on their site first) and I see negative comments about many of us each and every day. We dont have to be negative, we already succeeded in our mission and have nothing to prove and as long as the BOS and their supporters keep thinking the voters lack intelligence or are misinformed or bullied, the results on February 3rd will be that much more surprising to them. So much of what I hear (or read) is about how we said it wasnt about Scott and now it is about Scott. This is probably the seventy-fifth time I have written it but I guess if they have nothing to say they have to try to make something out of nothing. One last shot at an explaination as I know they read everything we post: THE MOVEMENT DID NOT BEGIN ABOUT SCOTT IT WAS ABOUT A FLAWED PROCESS, GOING AGAINST TC OPINION AND OPEN MEETING LAW AND THE NEGATIVE AND CONDESCENDING TONE USED BY THE 4 MEMBERS WHEN SPEAKING NOT ONLY TO THEIR COLLEAGUE, SELECTMAN PANETTA, BUT ALSO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN WHO PUT EACH OF THEM IN THOSE SEATS. I SHOULD KNOW THIS CONSIDERING I BEGAN THE MOVEMENT. Sure some joined in hope that Scott would not be terminated or to show support for him or even later in the process in hope he will be reinstated....but I think I have been consistent in my statement since September. Also, I am and have been on record stating I think Scott was an excellent Town Manager and accomplished so much in 2.5 years especially having a strained relationship with the BOS with the two often working against each other, slowing the progress. I still havent heard any charges being filed or seen a smoking gun. I hear a relationship that had alot of miscommunication, lack of willingness to work cooperatively and lack of respect in both directions. This is why we should keep our site for our purposes and they can keep theirs. Two sides with totally different opinions and views will never allow facts be posted by one and accepted by the other. Its sad but its true and thats politics. Stay Classy!!! #takebacksaugus
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:12:15 +0000

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