Thank you for “ BEING TOLD “ the “ UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE USA - TopicsExpress


Thank you for “ BEING TOLD “ the “ UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE USA . We have to say that : We’re owing those people like Oliver Stone , Jason Miler , Edward Snowden…a deep gratitude from our hearts ! Those could have the courage to be able to “ BEING TOLD “ the “ UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE USA “…Hoping to save the innocent people on this planet from being decimated by the super power’s cause ! In recent historical wars and political events… “ It is impossible to get the truth from [ the American media ] “ . The “ Powerful propaganda machine “ of government , being used in “ Covert operations designed to manipulate public opinion “ …” They are often used to “ Making the fire to lynch the truth ! “ in order achieving their goals . “ We are hostages to events “ as Mr. Oliver Stone had said ! Because : “ The people Washington feel that we have the right to rule the world “ . He”s also pointing out that : “ His beloved country is “ a strange country “, ” It always needs an enemy, wether it’s a communism or something else.” ! In order to doing so , their nose is always in the others business to creating social upheavals where it’s interested ! Their nose is there , as they’ve always been ! The US , whos always interested in Importing , Supporting , accepting all kind of criminals from those countries for asylum , doesn’t matter who they are as long as they’re against their government, against their people…Harboring them , nourishing them , training them , arming them on our soil . Whom people named them : “ homegrown terrorists “... to suit our need…and waiting to sending them back where they were to “ militarize countries “ ! Those are to be considered not standing with our side , for “ Regime change “ when needed , to replace it with its Henchmen [ a pro-Western ] one !.The goal is to “ Control the world”s resources , control and police the whole world . . In this role America misbehaved starting wars in Kuwait , Iraq , Afghanistan , militarizing Libya…” as they’d already tried to wipe out the tiny country named Vietnam off the ASIA map a half century ago ! The “ Home-grown terrorism exposed our vulnerability and shook a nation’s faith in its safety and security “ , wrote Frank De Palma , newsroom director of The Chronicale Herald newspaper in Halifax...and Margo Goodhand , editor of The Edmonton Journal has said : “ The slayings of two Canadians soldiers and Canada joins combat mission in Iraq are inextricably linked “ . Remember that : “ Homegrown terrorists “ , If we don’t sow, it won’t grow !…Using terrorist like using “ The weed killer “ in agriculture . It’s dangerous . It can kills the weed , but may contaminate our soil and destroying our crops too ! Were still not forgetting the Iraq yet : When Saddam Hussein had been portraying by Bush and its henchmen propagandistic machine as : A ruthless tyrant , Possessing weapon of mass destruction , Inhumane treatment even of his own people…And Bush wanted “ Regime change “ to save Iraqi people , since Mr. Bush loves Iraqi dearly ! But , after Saddam was hung , the whole world had been startled with the news that : His death was not caused by the crimes of “ Possession Weapon Of Destruction or a ruthless tyrant , Inhumane treatment of his own people…But his death , because the Crime of that : “ He possessed so much Oil “ on this world ! In order to achieve the political and economical ends... As usual , Bush and Washington “ distorted everything “ ! The world reacts the same as Mr. Oliver Stone does : Nowadays , they only “ reading the American newspapers to see where the lies are ! “…People’s also still haven’t forgetting the story in Vietnam war yet : “ An American destroyer allegedly came under fire from the North Vietnamese , and then the United States Congress passed the Tonkin resolution , which started the war in Vietnam ! “ . The pity tiny country , even smaller than the State of California , who’s just coming out from hundred years of slavery from the occupation of the European colonial forces . It located on the other side of Globe , far away from US soil . Certainly , it’ll be unable and incapable to harm no one on this earth . How come the US wanted to wipe it out of the world map at the time by “ B 52 carpet bombing “ ? ! [ Maybe , it just want to show the world its power that : France couldn’t make it , But American surely can ! “…” But Many years later , weve learned that American couldn’t too ! And we also learned : “ it was not a fire from North Vietnamese , but was all American provoked . Always false provocations .We’ve seen a lot of that “ , As Mr. Stone said ! If the horrible scenes of the religious group of Branch Davidians on Mount Carmel Center of Waco , Texas engulfed in flames , immolating alive hundred , hundred of human lives . Almost all of them are women and children Christian worshippers…right in front of public eyes on the live television some years ago ! The inferno happened with the presence of government helicopter gun ships hovering over their head , while the armour tanks and special forces arming with heavily assaulted rifles surrounding its compound…Or the scenes of shooting , chocking deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner ( #EricGarner ) …Or the images of 11 journalists were arrested ( CNN reported ) during the riots in Ferguson , Missouri... recently ! Luckily , it have happened within the border of the land , called The United States Of America , where having the statue of “ Venus Liberty “ stood ! Being touted as the top civil liberty of the multicultural , multiracial country on earth . Where its government fervidly promoting “ Human rights “ and all kinds of “ Freedom “in the world…Nobody in this nation has ever been accused of “ Dictatorship , Violating Freedom of Religious , Freedom of Press , Freedom of Speak , or Violating Human rights...! So no one has been hung like Saddam Hussein . And we haven’t heard anyone calling for “ Regime Change here yet ! Even though The United States Of America proudly to coin the term and carried out the killing called “ Carpet bombings “ by the most powerful modern bombers : “ B 52 “ , Each drop of bomb can wipe out the entire area as a football field ; The amount of bomb using to terrorize those people on this tiny piece of land during 9 years , were estimating equal to amount of bombs using in the entire World War Two ! Under that kind of this bombing , no moving things can be alive ! Although , the American are full hearted people , most of whom are so often busily enjoying their top rate of the life ! Usually , who care of what their government does as long as its bringing us wealth…Then we’ll vote for them ! That’s it ! So , to get their people’s supporting , the government has only way to lie in order to hiding of what they’re doing... Until one day suddenly something went really wrong like the one that had costing the lives of about sixty thousand of American young and some millions innocent people in Southeast Asia a half century ago ! And the ones just happened in Ottawa , Paris or The ones have happened right in Ameriican soil recently…Waking them up with the startling questions: “ Why could it be happened like that ! ? “ , “ Why they hate us too much ? ! “…and demand to know why ? ! If those events were not be happened in Ferguson , Missouri , or Waco , Texas , USA ! But , it’s happening somewhere else . Especially in those regions that are deemed to be as the “ Evil countries “ . Then , we have the clear evidences for uproar accusation them of all kind of crimes that you could count : Dictatorship , Religious suppression , Violating Freedom of free speak , Violating Freedom of Press…Abusing and violating of Human Rights , Etc…Then we have the right calling for “ Regime Change “ to “ Replace with a pro-Western one ! “ . The goal is to “ Control the world’s resources , control and police the whole world “ and Mr. Oliver Stone is again pointing out : We are “ On the wrong path , the path of war and aggression . When you militarize region , like the United States does , Neighbour is against neighbour . It’s ugly ! “…As we had intended to do in Vietnam a half century ago !…If We’re continuing to behave like that , We’re losing every piece of trust…and gaining a lot of hatred ! That’s no wonder why Mr. Jason Miler [ A free-lance activist writer with a degree in liberal arts , whose affiliations include Amnesty International , the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and Stae ] posing the question : “ Do Americans really need to ask why many in the world hate us ? ! “ . Margo Goodhand , editor of the Edmonton Journal also has said : “ The slaying of two Canadian soldiers and Canada joins combat mission in Iraq are inextricably linked “ . And In Mr. Oliver Stone’s films about the war in Vietnam revealed : “ It’s cruelty ! “ . And he’s pointing out that : “ If we continue to act in this aggressive spirit…Certain that [ One day ] history’s karma will come around and punish the American people ! “ , and of course its Henchmen too ! Remember that : “ Homegrown terrorists “ , If we don’t sow , it won’t grow !…Using terrorist like using “ The weed killer “ in agriculture . It’s dangerous . It can kills the weeds , but it may contaminate our soil and destroying our crops too ! Vietnamese proverb too , has strongly warning that : “ Sowing the gust…Harvest the storm ! “ . That’s exactly the karma of our deeds are ! Phạm Cầu [ Canada ] .
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:32:12 +0000

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