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Thank you for accepting the request to join your group. I have spent much of the morning looking through the photos of all your wonderdul hounds. Unfortunately about a month ago i had to make the heartbreaking decision to send my gorgeous Lizzie over the bridge. This was one of the hardest decisions i have ever had to make. Lizzie was such a loving, snuggling perfect hound. My poor Lizzie was crippled with severe arthritis in her hind legs, knees and hips. Tried some arthritis treatments that worked like a miracle for about a year but it came a time they were not working anymore. She could not walk but a couple feet, could not get up by herself and would wake me several times during the night to roll over and change positions as she could not do it herself, and could not get up and walk to go out the doggie door. She moaned and wimpered in pain with every move she made. I knew it was time but the quilt was overwhelming, thinking there had to be something else to help her, but deep down i knew there wasnt. To make it even harder her adopted brother Harley was at his end as well. I adopted Harley from a termanilly ill friend site unseen. To my surprise when i went to pick him up after her passing before me was a 145lb yellow lab with severe anxiety. The anxiety never lessened through all the possible teatments. He was put on high doses of Prozac that only kept him from licking tbe paint off the walls. After years of that they stopped prescribing it because it was doing more damage than good. He developed thyroid issues, had unoperable tumors, and lung and breathing trouble. I know a lot of others would not have dealt with a dog with so many issues but i promised to care for and love him and that i did. He was my bubba and Lizzie and Harley developed such an incredible bond. They were best friends and knew it was time for both of them to go so i sent them over the bridge together. I had a vet that does this at home come over as i wanted then to go together in their own comfortable surrounding and with as little stress as possible. They went so peacefully within seconds of each other and with all the comfort and dignity they both were so deserving of. Saying goodbye to one is torture, saying goodbye to both of them has left such an incredible hole in my heart and such an emptiness in the house i can barely stand it. The silence here is deafening. I know there is another hound for me at some point cant imagine having any other kind of dog they are the best!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:08:02 +0000

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