Thank you for adding me. My precious niece was diagnosed in April - TopicsExpress


Thank you for adding me. My precious niece was diagnosed in April right before her 10th birthday and her tumor is growing rapidly. She had another MRI and results Wed were very bad. I can tell you since this is a closed group she may have 2 months. I am crying as I type this. I hurt so bad for her and her mom, dad and little brother. (Her mom is my husbands sis.) I love them all so much. I pray and thats all I can do. We are helpless. I know God is taking care of her until she sees Him face to face. She is so special! She has the biggest heart. Always has been so kind and caring. She adores her mom-ma! (Thats how she says it-its so cute) she is the apple of her daddys eye. Oh they love her so much!!! They are amazing parents to both there children! This is killing them... They are leaving in the morning (wasnt planned til now) to take her to New York City because she wanted to. She doesnt know her prognosis but she does know the tumor didnt shrink :(. Pray for this to be a good trip for her and some good memories for the family in the saddest of times. Pray for her health and their safety and for strength for her parents as they smile through the pain. Pray for our Ali.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:56:36 +0000

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