((Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am looking for a - TopicsExpress


((Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am looking for a seme character. The roleplay I plan to do is romance and smut. I am looking for someone who is willing to do multi-paragraph, detailed responses. If you are interested, please send your reply (Through Personal Messages) to the starter I have placed down below.)) Pale feet rested against the faded wooden floors of the small apartment. An older apartment that Angel was currently sharing with the love of his life. The man who he had come to cherish, with a tender affection that could never be broken. Their morning had started out as most. The other would get up, trying his best not to awake Angel, which today seemed to fail and he would head into the restroom to get himself prepared for the day ahead. Shaving, showering, Dressing. He knew the drill, but something in his heart didnt want his man to leave today. He wished it was his day off, just so they could cuddle, slip into each others arms with tangled limbs and simply revel in each others company. The noises echoing through the bathroom, as he slipped the door open with slender fingers, light shinning brighter in the room, all of it making him more aware that it was exactly where his lover was. Using his free hand to fix the strands of pale hair upon his head that flew in different directions from sleeping no more than a few hours ago, he slipped his slim frame through the crack in the door. A shirtless man, with a razor in his hands resting no more than a few feet from him. It was a sight he would be grateful to see any morning. Determined expression on the older males face as he let the razor glide down his features with precision. Wearing a stolen black shirt he had received from his boyfriend the night before after their loving moments and intense sessions of kisses and hands roaming, he wrapped his pale arms around the firm skin of the other. Face hidden in the crevasse of his back, Angel exhaled that warm, musky scent that only the other seemed to possess, before speaking in a soft, seductive tone. As if trying to lure that other back into bed. Do you really have to go to work? Fingers ran over olive tan skin, lips pressing against his back. Cant you stay home with me? It would be more fun, dont you think? The last words passed, kisses pressed upon firm skin, up towards the others neck, having to lean up to his tip toes in order to reach and with hands now fully sliding over the muscular chest that begged to be touched, his striking blue eyes glanced to meet his lovers through the mirror. Giving off his best pout to show him, something he did when he was trying, though more playfully, to make his boyfriend feel bad. It usually never worked, but it was still worth a try. Cant you stay for just a few hours? Tell them you will be late? Or call in sick? Angel was trying his best to hint at what he wanted from the other, without seeming too terribly needy. They werent able to do much the night before, due to both being so exhausted from the earlier activities in the day. Work, Running around all over town for errands. He wanted the love of his life in bed with him and he was determined to find a way to get said man to follow him back to bed instead of out the door for work. Licking a soft trail up the others neck, he spoke one more simple word, in more of a breathy moan. Please…?
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 08:12:21 +0000

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