Thank you for this great birth story, Candice! Wanted to give you - TopicsExpress


Thank you for this great birth story, Candice! Wanted to give you an update regarding my birth experience which was only possible because of the guidance I got from you and your very informative website. As I had originally contacted you about, my concerns regarding my labor started when my baby was discovered to be transverse at 36 weeks. Thank to your expert advice, I was able to assist him in turning head down. This made my VBAC goal a real possibility. So heres how the rest of the story unfolded... I ended up going overdue, at 40 weeks my provider strongly recommended I be induced. He suggested that I induce at 41 weeks due to the estimated size of the baby. Based on what I read regarding induction on your site, and my own negative experience being induced with my first pregnant (that resulted in an emergency c-section), I bargained with him and we compromised on a scheduled induction for 41 weeks 3 days. I continued to do the exercises - inversions, side-lying releases, lots of time on a birthing ball, walking, swimming, and regular visits to an experienced chiropractor. Truthfully I was quite discouraged that I hadnt gone into labor at 41 weeks and was fearful that I would have to be induced. However, at 41 weeks 1 day, I went into labor on my own... and boy when my baby decided he was ready, he was ready! Labor started at 1135 at night. I spent an hour walking around my house trying to discern if I was truly in labor, before I decided it was painful and regular enough that I was, than waited a half hour for my mother to come take our three year old before heading to the hospital. I had opted for a natural delivery in my birth plan, but given I had never truly experienced labor without medication (I had an epidural with my first), I was begging for an epidural pretty much as soon as I got to the hospital. Thankfully things progressed so quickly there wasnt time for an epidural, which I believe was actually a godsend. The sense of accomplishment, and the awareness I had after the birth (and during) is something I am glad I got to experience, the pain was worth it in hind sight. I dilated from 2cms to 10cms in two hours (only a half hour of which was at the hospital - I was at 7cm when I got to the hospital), I pushed for two hours and had my beautiful, healthy baby boy in my arms. My baby was larger at 8lbs 15oz, and I did tear, but I believe that I most certainly would have ended up with a repeat c-section had it not been for your advice. Your knowledge and willingness to share this information for free is something every pregnant woman should take advantage of, or a least be made aware of. I strongly believe that there should be more focus on these techniques then medical interventions... this stuff was free to do, and low risk, why on earth dont more doctors suggest at least trying these exercises before recommending medical interventions?! I am thankful for your help and hope that many, many more women find your site and benefit from your knowledge - I tell every one about it. Im officially a walking Spinning Babies advertisement! Thank you again for everything you provide to pregnant women and those who support them. Grateful and at peace now that Ive had the birth experience I had always hoped to have, Candice McClure PS. My doulas attended your workshop in NH, and loved your presentation! They have worked with a few clients now who have utilized the techniques from your site, and said that they have noticed it appears to shorten the time spent in labor, they plan to incorporate your techniques into their birth classes. It certainly did for me!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:31:00 +0000

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