Thank you for your faithful prayers and support during this - TopicsExpress


Thank you for your faithful prayers and support during this challenging time. We feel the comfort and support of your love and sense the intercessory covering you are providing. At times we feel the pressure of the situation and get overwhelmed by it and can’t really sense or hear what the Lord is saying or doing, but it is comforting to know that you are faithfully praying even when we can’t. I am slowly but surely recovering from my surgery on Sept. 8th. It has been a painful recovery, very similar to that I experienced with open-heart surgery. Every move affects the surgical area, which is at my core, and I haven’t figured out how to not move yet, so I just manage the pain. After the first few days the pain has been manageable and I am grateful for the pain meds that at available to help in this recovery. The biggest challenge for me has been that I came home from the hospital on Sept. 11th with my catheter still in. I have been to a local urologist and they have been medicating the area prior to removing it next Tuesday, the 23rd. I will also have the staples removed from the incision on Monday the 22nd. I will only need to return to Charlottesville for a final appointment with my surgeon on Sept. 29th. I will be able to have everything else in my recovery handled locally. The girls and Stephen have been wonderful in their care for us. The gift cards that many of you gave us have been a great help. Sandy has slowed down a little over the past week or so. She has begun to experience more pain in her side and her abdomen has been a little distended. She is very tired most of the time. In spite of this she continues to display a sweet attitude and is fully aware of all that is going on around her and interacts with all of us as usual. Continue to pray for both of us as we mend from these challenges. Thank you for your continued respect of our need for privacy for a while. We look forward to getting back among everyone soon. Love you! Robin and Sandy
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:54:35 +0000

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